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Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies
URPP Asia and Europe (2006–2017)
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About Us
About Us
Academic Directors
Executive Committee
Assembly of Participating Professors
Teaching Committee
Head Office
Advisory Board
Participating Professors (2006–2017)
Junior Researchers (2006–2017)
Research Partners
Press Review
Press Review
Asia & Europe Bulletin
Asia & Europe Bulletin
Looking at the Globe
The Human in Question
Constitutions under Debate
Pathways to Sustainability
Powerful Civil Societies
Bernese Orientalism
Perspectives on Change
Buddhist Influence on Japan
A Wider View
Broad-based Reconstructions
Nothing is Permanent
New Players in the Hood
Insights into Publishing
Love Will Find A Way
Gods and Demons
Multi-Sited Fieldwork
Notes from the Kiln
Funerary Practices in Taiwan
On Coffees, Curfews, and Chocolate
Sketching Maps of a Eurasian Republic of Letters
The Rise of Religion
A Most Important Source
Origins of Logic
Principles, Illusions, Names
Deconstructing Hierarchies
Social Movements from Different Angles
Increasing Participation
Manifold Understandings
Preludes to an Exhibition
Research on Modernity in Asia
On to New Shores
To the Former Directors
A Place far Away
New Participating Professors
Personal News
Foreign Encounters, Informal Diplomacy, and the Contested Histories of 19th-Century Japan
Translation and Cultural Concepts
Healthy and Harmful Mercury
Landscapes in East and West
Young Scholars Presenting and Exchanging Ideas
The Benefit of Traditions
Persuaders in Early China
Keeping a Close Eye on Protests
How to Accumulate Knowledge
A Great Accomplishment
Contesting the Commons
Exploring the Notion of ‘Circulating Norms’
Ink Painting and Football
Coping with ‘Religion’
Lives between Asia and Europe
A Fresh Look at Postmodernity
Notes on the Workshop
On Uses of the ‘Third’ in Historical Studies
Fluidity of Statuses
Different Ways of Advancement
Japanese Modernity as Postcolonial Experience
Asian Conceptual Taxonomies ‘Before Religion’
Variations in Secularization
Picturing Spectral Transition
Encouraging Encounters
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Concepts and Taxonomies
Concepts and Taxonomies
Research Projects (2006–2017)
Research Projects (2006–2017)
Purpose and Nature of the Talmudic Medical Units
Philosophy in Turkish Republic
The Place of Art in Indian Religious Thought
Burial Practice in China
Debate Arena
Nishida Kitarōs Way to Ideology
Facets of Fear
Taxomies of Religious and Philosophical Knowledge
Chinesische Gelehrtenmalerei des 17. Jahrhunderts
Yamagata Bantô’s Yume no shiro
Dōgen's Importance to the Kyōto School
Jean-Paul Sartre in Japan
Transition through Tradition
Kantian Philosophy in Iran
Translating the Non-Evident
Buddhism between Religion and Philosophy
Reincarnated Terms
Pictorial ethnography of religion
Organising disagreement in the long ninth century
Comparative Philosophy and the Philosophy of Comparison
Political Modernity in China
A Tangled Web of Sayings
Die normative Wirkung des Gesundheitsbegriffes
Rhetorik des japanischen Buddhismus
Self-Concept of the Hindu Bhagavatas
Westwahrnehmung iranischer Intellektueller
Entangled Histories
Entangled Histories
Research Projects (2006–2017)
Research Projects (2006–2017)
Chinese Conservation Areas
Commercial Hindi-Movies and their Influence on Hindi as a National Language
Der zeitgenössische thailändische Film
Chinese Cultures on Display
Film Activism in Contemporary Indonesia
European-Protestant Missionary Institutions
Danish mission in Bengal
Performance Avant-Gardes
Western Concepts of Art in Japan
Kulturelle Transformation in Phönikien
Literary Body Discourses
Indians in Switzerland
Neoislamische Architektur
Islamische Handwerker
Indianness and Indian role model
Redefining Concepts
Constructions of Judaism in the Hellenistic period
Bildungsromane in Hongkong
Lebende Staatsschätze
Nature Protection in Switzerland & Nepal
Islamic activism in Indonesia
The Meaning of Turkey
Historienmalerei im qāǧārischen Iran
Colonialism in Libya
Unfreie Heirat
Asian Revolutions
The Grammar of Modernity
Eparchy and Koinon in Asia Minor
Contested Spaces
When the Vaidya Met the Doctor
Swiss business in Singapore and Sumatra
Divine Mothers
Matteo Ripa's "Views of Jehol"
Networks of Trust
Development History of Nepal
National Identity in Japan
Islambild in Europa
Entangled Theaters
Godly creature or human ware?
The Masculinities of Ruling Eunuchs in the Middle East
Norms and Social Order(s)
Norms and Social Order(s)
Research Projects (2006–2017)
Research Projects (2006–2017)
Islamistische Bewegungen in Tunesien
Implementation and Accountability of State of Palestine
The Right to Life in the Palestinian Society
Crime or Illness?
ZGB in der Türkei
From socialist pasts to developmentalist futures
India's Refugee Policies
Youth Centres in Morocco
Negotiating Land Use Rights
Japan and Islam 1890–1914
Islam, Pluralisierung und Geschlecht
Arbeitsrechte in China
Marriage in Islamic and Jewish Law
State-Owned Banks
Religious Knowledge and the Image of the West
Tsunami rehabilitation in Sri Lanka
Nation-building and Whaling
Integration in the CIS
Immorality and Private Autonomy in Contract Law
Social Citizenship from Below
Political Economy of Microfinance
Anxious Integration
Governing Conflict in Lebanon
Japanese Anti-nuclear Movement
Chinese Conceptions of Trust
Social Protest and Political Change
Arab State & Women's Rights
Medicine and Religion
Water Power
Jean-Paul Sartre in Japan
Copyright in Indien
Education & Identity in Tatarstan
Bestattungspraktiken in Taiwan
“Fukushima” in Japan
Shari’a and Human Rights
Migrant Domestic Workers in East and Southeast Asia
Economic & Social Change in Uzbekistan
Discourses and Practices of Human Rights in the Arab Spring Countries
Demokratisierung in Indien
Complete Bibliography
Bibliography Concepts and Taxonomies
Bibliography Entangled Histories
Bibliography Norms and Social Order(s)
Professorial Appointments
Completed Doctoral and Habilitation Theses
Acquisition of Funds
Menü schliessen
Doctoral Program
Welfare Schemes, the State and Corruption in India (FS 2017)
A l'Orientale (FS 2017)
Coming of Age in Sinophone Studies (FS 2017)
Vision and Visuality in Buddhism and Beyond (HS 2016)
Islamic Art (HS 2016)
Publication Workshop (HS 2016)
Graduate Student Workshop (HS 2016)
The Environment and Global History (HS 2016)
Human : Non-Human (HS 2016)
Lost and Found in Transition (HS 2016)
Many Different Shores (HS 2016)
The Power of Symbols (HS 2016)
Post-Colonial Feminisms (FS 2016)
Deceased and Bereaved! (FS 2016)
Methodological and Ethical Challenges in Qualitative Research Projects (FS 2016)
Islamische Kunst (FS 2016)
Receptions of Katagami in the West (FS 2016)
Feminism and Theory in the Arab World (FS 2016)
Putting the House of Wisdom in Order (FS 2016)
Transgression and Encounters with the Terrible in Buddhist and Śaiva Tantras (FS 2016)
Publication Workshop (HS 2015)
The Means of Love in the Arab World (HS 2015)
Activism in Contemporary Japan (HS 2015)
Snapshots of Change (HS 2015)
Buddhist Japonisme (HS 2015)
Concepts in Transition (HS 2015)
Mythos Orient (FS 2015)
Civil Society in Taiwan and Hong Kong (FS 2015)
Humanistic Scholarship and the Anthropocene (FS 2015)
Civil Society in Japan (HS 2014)
Asia and Europe in Translation (HS 2014)
Social Movements in Theory and in Practice (HS 2014)
Intersubjectivity and Eco-theory (HS 2014)
Concepts of Concept (HS 2014)
Gendering Citizenship (HS 2014)
The Gongsunlongzi and Other Neglected Texts (HS 2014)
23rd European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS)
Sterbehilfe und Suizidbeihilfe (HS 2013)
Traveling Norms and the Politics of Contention (HS 2013)
Sense of Place, Sense of Taste, Sense of Skill (HS 2013)
Social movements and the position of the researcher (HS 2013)
Masters of Disguise? (HS 2013)
The Gender of Authority (HS 2013)
The Chinese Communist Party and the Politicization of Traditions (FS 2013)
Intersectionality Revisited (FS 2013)
International Symposium (Spring 2013): Entangled Landscapes
Political Protests, Social (Non-)Movements and the Role of Digital Media (FS 2013)
Nachwuchstagung (FS 2013): Asienwissenschaften – Debatten und Perspektiven
Cross-Cultural Comparison (FS 2013)
Workshop (Spring 2013): Mercury in Medicine
Concepts of Religion between Asia and Europe (Fall 2012)
Arab Spring and Fukushima (Fall 2012)
Workshop (HS 2012): Biography Afield in Asia and Europe
International Conference (Fall 2012): Late Medieval and Early Modern Slavery in the Mediterranean
Sor-hoon Tan’s Confucian Democracy (FS 2012)
International Conference (Spring 2012): The Third in History, 1450-1850
Tagung (FS 2012): Entdifferenzierungen?
Workshop und Podiumsdiskussion (FS 2012): Mao – Mao-Bibel – Mao-Fieber
Workshop (Spring 2011): Asian Postmodernities and their Legacies
Seminar (Fall 2011): Nomadic Feminist Theory in a Global Era
International Workshop (Fall 2011): Ghosts in Asian Cinemas
International Symposium (Fall 2011): Laws of Heaven - Laws of Nature
International Workshop (Fall 2011): Yangzhou - A Place in Literature
International Workshop (Spring 2011): Roger Ames’s Confucian Role Ethics
International Conference (Spring 2011): Islamic Newthinking
Workshop (FS 2011): Contact Zones in Asia and Europe
Workshop (FS 2011): Indian Secularism
Konferenz (HS 2010): Was ist Philosophie?
Konferenz (HS 2010): Was ist Philosophie?
Tag 1: Philosophie in der islamischen Welt
Tag 2: Philosophie in Indien
Tag 3: Philosophie in China
Tag 4: Philosophie in Japan
Workshop Ethnography and Ethnology in China 1950-1980
Workshop (FS 10): A Discussion of Tu Weiming's Thought
Konferenz (FS 10): Verschleierter Orient - Entschleierter Okzident?
Workshop (FS 10): Entangled By Multiple Tongues
Nachwuchstagung (FS 10): Asien wissenschaftlich reflektieren
Konferenz (FS 10): Transcultural Bodies - Transboundary Biographies
Symposium (HS 09): Philosophische Lektüre zwischen Europa und Asien
Conference September 2009: Varieties of Modernity?
Workshop (FS 09): Body at Work
Workshop (FS 09): Uyghur Autonomous Region
Public lecture series
Public lecture series
Public Lecture Series (FS 17): The Middle East in Global History – Global History in the Middle East
Institute Colloquium (FS 17): Routes and Paths
Ringvorlesung (HS 15): “Asien und Europa”
Lecture series (Spring 2015): Constitutional Reform
Lecture series (Fall 2014): Current Political Affairs and Civil Society in Japan
Lecture Series (Spring 2014): Cultural Materiality
Vortragsreihe (HS 13): Positionen aktueller Mohammed-Forschung
Public lecture series (Spring 12): Circulating Norms
Vortragsreihe (HS 11): Religionsbegriffe in der Moderne
Lecture Series (Spring 11): Euro-Asian Knowlegescapes
Lecture Series (Autumn 10): Farewell to Secularization?
Lecture series (Spring 10): Researching Philosophy
Lecture series (Autumn 09): Governance and Development
Lecture series (Spring 09): Mirrored Histories
Lecture series (Spring 07): Border Crossings
Lecture series (Spring 07): Border Crossings
Globalisierung & Gender (31.05.2007)
Äussere & Innere Grenzen (10.05.2007)
Eurozentrismus & Widersacher (03.05.3007)
Multikulturalismus & Rechtspluralismus (26.04.2007)
Orientalism, Islamism, Postmodernism (12.04.2007)
Summer Schools
Summer Schools
Interdisciplinarity and Methodological Challenges in Area Studies (FS 2013)
Summer School (FS 2012): Canonical Processes
Guest lectures
Guest lectures
Guest lectures 2017
Guest lectures 2017
In Search of Common Ground (15.05.2017)
Heritage without Monuments (11.05.2017)
Hidden Texts (21.03.2017)
Kulturelle Konvergenz und Kulturvergleich im europäisch-nahöstlichen Raum (11.05.2017)
Guest lectures 2016
Guest lectures 2016
Writing Autobiography as an LGBTIQ Activist in India (24.11.2016)
Brief Overview of the Japanese Whaling History (23.11.2016)
Agrarian Distress in Rural India (22.11.2016)
Between China and the World (17.11.2016)
Of Prophets and Scribes (03.11.2016)
Herbert (27.10.2016)
Western Understanding of the Yantra and the Mandala (01.06.2016)
Japan, Islam, and the Turkic World (26.05.2016)
Japanische Keramik (18.05.2016)
Nachhaltigkeit im Kontext verstehen (21.04.2016)
Von guten und von schlechten Träumen (21.04.2016)
Death, Merit and Nation (23.03.2016)
The Historical Models for Violent Solutions in Maoist China and After (17.03.2016)
The State of the Individual (02.03.2016)
Guest lectures 2015
Guest lectures 2015
Der lange Schatten Nöldekes (03.12.2015)
Islamic Art for a Christian Society (29.10.2015)
Continuity and Change in the Japanese Political System after Fukushima (28.10.2015)
Greeks and Jews on the Origin of Law (22.10.2015)
Schattentheater (22.10.2015)
Alterität und Irrationalismus (01.10.2015)
The Court and the Nation (23.09.2015)
What Makes Middle Aged Women Become Politicized (21.05.2015)
The Law of Nature (18.05.2015)
From Here to Eternity (15.05.2015)
Guest lectures 2014
Guest lectures 2014
Körpersprachen (10.12.2014)
Von der traditionellen buddhistischen Ethik zur buddhistischen Bioethik (10.12.2014)
Changing Elites in Libya Post Qhadafi (20.11.2014)
On the Buddhist Background of Patañjali’s Yoga Teaching (05.11.2014)
Koranforschung – eine politische Philologie? (27.10.2014)
Internet Poetry in Chinese (22.10.2014)
The Body of the Friend in Early Modern Isfahan (15.10.2014)
Two Haiku or One? (15.10.2014)
The Many Lives of Father Gerbillon’s Sino-Russian Treaty (26.09.2014)
Decaying Higher Education in Modern Japan (21.05.2014)
Ritual Revolutions and Parallel Universes (14.05.2014)
Decolonising the History of Science
Guest lectures 2013
Guest lectures 2013
Foreign Contacts and Informal Diplomacy in Early Modern Japan (18.12.2013)
Transcendence in a Secular World (12.12.2013)
Indian Chinese Food in Abu Dhabi, or What Makes Chinese Food "Chinese"? (10.10.2013)
Die Grenzen von Skepsis und Vertrauen (03.10.2013)
The Japanese Army’s Geopolitical Strategy (30.05.2013)
Confucianism and Democratization in East Asia (23.05.2013)
Institutional Change and Welfare Politics in Japan (16.05.2013)
The Fukushima Nuclear Accident and Japanese Energy Politics (29.04.2013)
Numbers in China (23.04.2013)
Psychosoziale Konsequenzen des 11. März 2011 (07.03.2013)
Guest lectures 2012
Guest lectures 2012
Offenbarung und Wissenschaft bei al-Ghazālī (13.12.2012)
Iki: Ausdifferenzierung der Interaktionssemantik in Japan (13.12.2012)
Is there an Indian Literature? (30.11.2012)
Thailand’s Political Crisis (22.11.2012)
Reading With Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (15.11.2012)
Definitely In My Back Yard (15.11.2012)
Zu al-Ghazālī im sunnitischen Islam (18.10.2012)
Al-Ghazālī und das Problem der Pseudo-Epigraphica (19.09.2012)
Expulsions (21.05.2012)
Koranexegese als politische Theologie (25.04.2012)
A Piece of Connected History (25.04.2012)
Rechtsverschriftung und Kanonbildung in der alten Welt (18.04.2012)
Von der Schonung zur Nächstenliebe (22.03.2012)
Guest lectures 2011
Guest lectures 2011
Idealismus, Subjektivität und äussere Wirklichkeit (21.12.2011)
Nomadic Feminist Theory in a Global Era (24.11.2011)
Cultural Migration of Ideas (21.11.2011)
Human Rights & Corporate Social Responsibility (26.10.2011)
Methodological Issues for the Comparative Study of Chinese and Greek Antiquity (16.06.2011)
Witwenverbrennung in Indien (24.05.2011)
Drugs and Prayers (12.05.2011)
Rituelle Gesetze (11.05.2011)
Guest lectures 2010
Guest lectures 2010
Was ist Philosophie? (10.11.2010)
Leibniz-Syndrome in der Philosophie (04.11.2010)
The Yoga Sutras, Lost and Found (21.09.2010)
The Role of Religion (04.05.2010)
Why Civilizations Can't Climb Hills (17.03.2010)
Unnachahmlichkeit des Korans (11.03.2010)
Guest lectures 2009
Guest lectures 2009
Liquidity of Being (30.11.2009)
Götterbild in der Pañca-rātra-Tradition (27.11.2009)
Guest lectures 2008
Guest lectures 2008
Indien nach 1991 (18.11.2008)
Europa liegt in Asien (08.04.2008)
Guest lectures 2007
Guest lectures 2007
Okzident und Orient (30.10.2007)
Legal Pluralism in India (16.01.2007)
Gastvorträge Assistenzprofessur (15./16.10.2007)
Guest lectures 2006
Guest lectures 2006
Women in Iran (07.11.2006)
Multiple Modernities (06.06.2006)
Panel Discussions
Panel Discussions
Women’s and Gender Studies in Arab and Swiss Universities (FS 2016)
Zivilgesellschaft in Taiwan und Hongkong (FS 2015)
Umweltprobleme in Asien (FS 2015)
Ein Jahr nach Fukushima (FS 12)
Democracy and New Media (Spring 11)
Revolution in the Arabian World? (Spring 11)
Panel discussion: After the minaret ban: The open society and Islam
Other events
Other events
Kutiyattam (FS 2017)
A Day between Asia and Europe
Small Bridge (FS 2017)
Grenzgänger – Grenzenlos (FS 2017)
Ghora (FS 2016)
Tell the Prime Minister (FS 2016)
Kutiyattam (FS 2015)
WegZeichen – Japanische Kult- und Pilgerbilder (HS 2014)
Rakugo – Gefallene Worte (HS 2014)
The Hong Kong Umbrella Movement (HS 2014)
Iran and the Green Revolution HS 2013
Constructing Qing Imperial Landscapes
Talk im Turm: Auf Weltreise
Lesung: Liaozhai
Launching PhD Program
Abschlussveranstaltung: erste Fördergeneration
Launching URPP Asia and Europe
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UFSP Asien und Europa
Guest lectures
Guest lectures 2016
Of Prophets and Scribes (03.11.2016)
Of Prophets and Scribes: Concepts and Taxonomies of Interpreting Texts in Early China and the Near East
Prof. Dr. Joachim Gentz (University of Edinburgh)
Guest Lecture, November 3, 2016, 16:00–18:00
URPP Asia and Europe
Room RAF E-011, Rämistrasse 66, 8001 Zürich
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