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Department of History

Advisor of Studies and International Mobility

Dr. Ruben Hackler

The Advisor of Studies and International Mobility is responsible for:

  • Advising BA and MA students of History
  • Support students in checking all passing requirements before graduation
  • Set conditions for transitioning to a Master’s programme or while changing study subjects
  • Support in finding a supervisor for BA and MA theses
  • Coordinating study exchanges on BA and MA level
  • Transfer of credits of external coursework (Switzerland and abroad)
  • Consult about obstacles during the course of study

Additionally, I also teach at the Department of History and in this capacity supervise BA theses.


Study advice

There are many sources of information about your studies. Programme regulations, standard curriculum, catalogue of modules, our website and information from other UZH offices as well as the app study progress and graduation in the student portal. Students can contact the advisor of studies if they have any further questions.

Please contact the advisor of studies via contact form. The average response time is around one week. For a review on the passing requirements please contact me early on. You can book an office hour here.

The advisor of studies is responsible for following programmes:

  • History
  • Ancient History
  • Medieval History
  • Modern History
  • Contemporary History

Special office hours
For interdisciplinary and specialized BA and MA programmes please consult the following advisors:

Study programme Advisor
Ancient Studies Dr. Fabian Zogg
Eastern European Studies Daniel Ursprung
Economic History  Salome Egloff

Mobility advice

The Department of History recognizes national and international study exchange as a valued asset to your academic training. The Department promotes exchanges at other universities and welcomes inbound students from Switzerland and abroad.

Study abroad
Students who would like to study abroad for one or two semester can do so through a range of different exchange programmes. More information

Study at another university in Switzerland
Students who would like to study in a different part of Switzerland for a semester or two can take up a study exchange at other Swiss universities. More information

Study at UZH – Inbound
International students can profit from a wide range of classes and events at the Department of History. More information


Weiterführende Informationen

Advisor of Studies and International Mobility

Dr. Ruben Hackler
University of Zurich
Department of History
Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4
Office KO2 H 358
CH-8006 Zurich

Phone +41 44 634 39 72

Contact form
Book an office hour

Global student experience

More information about studying abroad is available on the website of the Global Student Experience Mobility Desk.