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Global Student Experience

Outside of Europe


Overview Partner Universities

The university of Zurich has exchange agreements with select universities all over the world. These are listed below.

Search for exchange programs

On Mobility Online you can search for exchange options in your subject or on a university-wide level. You will receive the most important information on the respective exchange programs by clicking on the different partner universities. This video-tutorial will provide helpful information on the search portal itself, and on the various exchange programs.

Search Portal

Video tutorial:

Overview of non-subject-specific agreements

So-called "university-wide" agreements are generally open to students from all subjects, and therefore qualify as non-subject-specific agreements. The condition is that your subject (or your subjects) is offered at the partner university and is open to exchange students. Further information on the general conditions and how to apply for the universities listed can be found here.

Please note that, in a first step, you must apply to Global Student Experience (see information on nomination).

  • Argentina - Buenos Aires, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
  • Argentina - San Martin, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM)
  • Australia - Brisbane, University of Queensland
  • Australia - Canberra, Australian National University
  • Australia - Melbourne, University of Melbourne
  • Australia - Perth, Curtin University
  • Australia - Perth, The University of Western Australia
  • Australia - Sydney, The University of New South Wales
  • Australia - Sydney, University of Sydney
  • Australia - Sydney, University of Technology Sydney
  • Brasil - Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Canada - Montreal, McGill University
  • Canada - Québec, Université Laval
  • Canada - Toronto, York University
  • Chile - Santiago, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Chile - Santiago, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • China - Beijing, Peking University
  • China - Beijing, Tsinghua University
  • China - Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • China - Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong
  • China - Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong
  • China - Shanghai, Fudan University
  • China - Shanghai, Jiao Tong University
  • India - New Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University
  • Iran - Tehran, Iran, University of Tehran
  • Israel - Jerusalem, The Hebrew University
  • Israel - Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University
  • Japan - Kyoto, Dôshisha University
  • Japan - Kyoto, Kyoto University
  • Japan - Osaka, Kansai University
  • Japan - Sendai, Tohoku University
  • Japan - Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Japan - Tokyo, University of Tokyo
  • Japan - Tokyo, Waseda University
  • Korea - Busan, Pusan National University
  • Korea - Seoul, Ewha Womans University
  • Korea - Seoul, Korea University
  • Korea - Seoul, Seoul National University
  • Korea - Seoul, Yonsei University
  • Lebanon - Beirut, American University of Beirut
  • Lebanon - Beirut, Université de Saint-Joseph
  • Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur, University of Malaya
  • Mexico - Guadalajara, Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Mexico - Monterrey, Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM)
  • Myanmar - Mandalay, Mandalay University
  • New Zealand - Auckland, University of Auckland
  • Singapore - Singapore, Nanyang Technological University
  • Singapore - Singapore, National University of Singapore
  • South Africa - Johannesburg, University of Johannesburg
  • South Africa - Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch University
  • Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) - Hsinchu, National Tsinghua University
  • Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) - Taipei, National Taiwan University
  • Thailand - Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University
  • USA - Athens, GA, University of Georgia
  • USA - Flagstaff, AZ, Northern Arizona University
  • USA - Maryland, University of Maryland
  • USA - Storrs, CT, University of Connecticut
  • USA - Washington D.C., The George Washington University
  • Vietnam - Hanoi, Vietnam National University

Overview of subject-specific agreements

So-called "faculty-agreements" are open to students from specific subjects only. Further information on oversight and how to apply for the listed universities below can be found here.

Please note that the application for an exchange is administered by your departmental coordinator

Exchange Agreements of the Faculty of Economics

  • Argentina - Buenos Aires, University of Buenos Aires
  • Brazil - São Paulo, Universidade de Sao Paulo
  • Canada - Kingston, Queen'S University
  • Canada - Victoria, University of Victoria
  • China - Beijing, Renmin University
  • China - Beijing, Tsinghua University
  • China - Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • China - Shanghai, Fudan University - School of Economics
  • China - Shanghai, Fudan University - School of Management
  • China - Shanghai, Jiao Tong University
  • multiple countries - IS:link Network (Wirtschaftsinformatik)
  • Korea - Seoul, Korea University Business School
  • Singapore - Singapore, Singapore Management University
  • Thailand - Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University
  • USA - Seattle, WA, University of Washington, Foster School of Business


Exchange Agreements of the Faculty of Law

  • Argentina - Buenos Aires, University of Buenos Aires
  • Australia - Sydney, The University of New South Wales
  • Brazil - São Paulo, Universidade de Sao Paulo
  • Chile - Santiago, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • China - Beijing, Renmin University of China
  • China - Beijing, Tsinghua University
  • China - Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong
  • China - Shanghai, East China University of Political Science and Law
  • Colombia - Bogota, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Georgia - Tbilisi, Caucasus University
  • India - Bangalore, The National Law School of India University
  • Israel - Jerusalem, The Hebrew University
  • Israel - Ramat Gan/Tel Aviv, Bar-Ilan University
  • Japan - Kyoto, Doshisha University
  • Japan - Tokyo, Keio University
  • Korea - Seoul, Yonsei University
  • Palestinian National Authority - Birzeit, West Bank, Birzeit University
  • South Africa - Johannesburg, University of Johannesburg
  • Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) - Hsinchu, National Tsing Hua University

  • Ukraine - Odessa, The National University Odessa, Academy of Law
  • USA - Chicago, IL, Chicago-Kent College of Law of the Illinois Institute of Technology
  • USA - Chicago, IL, Northwestern University
  • USA - Coral Gables, FL, University of Miami
  • USA - New Orleans, LA, Tulane University
  • USA - New York, NY, Benjamin Cardozo School of Law


Exchange Agreements of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Argentina - Buenos Aires, University of Palermo (IPZ)
  • Brazil - São Paulo, Universidade de Sao Paulo (IKMZ)
  • Chile - Concepcion, Universidad de Concepcion (English Department, Romance Studies) 
  • Indonesien - Yogyakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada (ISEK)
  • India - Sonipat, Ashoka University 
  • Japan - Kumamoto, Kumamoto University (Japanese Studies)
  • Japan - Kyoto, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (Japanese Studies)
  • Japan - Osaka, Osaka University (Japanese Studies)
  • Japan - Sendai, Tohoku University (AOI)
  • Japan - Tokyo, Keio University (Japanese Studies)
  • Japan - Tokyo, Meiji University (Japanese Studies)
  • Japan - Tokyo, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Japanese Studies)
  • Japan - Toyo University (ISEK, Japanese Studies, Philosophy)
  • Kanada - Halifax, Mount Saint Vincent University (English Department, IPZ, Gender Studies)
  • Kazakhstan - Taldykorgan, Zhetysu State University (Social and Cultural Anthropology)
  • Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar, National University of Mongolia (Social and Cultural Anthropology)
  • Morocco - Rabat, Ecole de Gouvernance et d'Economie (IPZ)
  • Serbia - Belgrade, University of Belgrad (Slavonic Studies)
  • The Russian Federation - Tyumen, University of Tyumen (Slavonic Studies, IPZ)
  • Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) - Taipei City, National Chengchi University (IPZ)
  • USA - Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Department of German Studies)
  • USA - Indianapolis, IN, Butler University (IPZ)


Exchange Agreements of the Faculty of Science

  • China - Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • China - Tianjin, Tianjin University
  • India - Bangalore, Indian Institute of Science
  • Indonesia - Bogor, Bogor Agricultural University (Anthropological Institute)
  • Japan - Ikoma, Nara Institute of Science & Technology
  • Thailand - Bangkok, Mahidol University
  • Vietnam - Gia Lam, Hanoi, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies)


Exchange Agreements of the Faculty of Medicine

  • Japan - Tokyo, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Faculty of Dentistry) 


Exchange Agreements of the Faculty of Theology

  • Cameroon - Bali, Cameroon Christian University
  • Japan - Kyoto, Dôshisha University
  • USA - Claremont CA, Claremont Graduate University

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