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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Assessment Survivors Event


On 23 September 2024, the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, the student associations and the alumni associations hosted this year's Assessment Survivors Event to celebrate passing the assessment.

After a short presentation by the Dean's Office on the further course of studies and an overview of the offers of our alumni community, participants were able to exchange ideas with the student and alumni associations during the networking aperitif in the upper canteen (Obere Mensa) and received useful tips from them.
As an "Assessment Survivor" they also got a gift from the Faculty.

The Dean's Office presentation can be found below on this website.

Participation and Registration

The next Assessment Survivors Event will take place at the end of September 2025. The exact date will be announced at a later point. Students who have passed the assessment will receive an invitation in advance.

Impressions of the Assessment Survivors Event 2024

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