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Experimental Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Seminar

Monday 14:00

UZH Irchel Y16 G05

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* For seminars marked as not part of the class program, students are encouraged but not required to attend.

Current Program - Fall 2024

16 September Oliver Buchmueller (Imperial) Cold Atom Quantum Technology to Explore Fundamental Physics Seminar page Björn Penning
23 September Claire Antel (UniGe) FASER: A small LHC experiment in search for new physics in far corners Seminar page Stefanos Leontsinis
30 September Teppei Katori (King's College) Hyper-Kamiokande project Seminar page Björn Penning
7 October Radoslav Marchevski (EPFL) NA62 experiment and results Seminar page Gino Isidori
14 October Dounia Helis (LNGS) Searching for light-dark matter with the Daredevil project Seminar page Chiara Capelli

21 October

Michaela Hirschmann (EPFL)

The role of supermassive black holes in the evolution of galaxies — state-of-the-art and future perspectives

Seminar page

Stefanos Leontsinis
28 October Lex Millins (Birmingham) The MIGDAL experiment:
Measuring a rare atomic process to aid the search for dark matter
Seminar page Stefanos Leontsinis
4 November Austin Baty (UIC) TBA Seminar page Stefanos Leontsinis
11 November Maria Haney (Nikhef) Status of Einstein telescope and waveform modelling for next generation gravitational waves detectors Seminar page Shubhanshu Tiwari
18 November Maksym Ovchynnikov (CERN) TBA Seminar page Martina Ferrillo

25 November

Loukas Gouskos (Brown) FCC experiment Seminar page Stefanos Leontsinis
2 December Nick Wardle (Imperial) TBA Seminar page Patrick Owen
9 December Michalis Bachtis (UCLA) W boson mass measurement with CMS Seminar page Stefanos Leontsinis
16 December Matthew Mccullough (CERN) FCC theory Seminar page Stefanos Leontsinis
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