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UZH for Staff

UZH as an Employer

Welcome to the University of Zurich!

The following summary contains the most important information for new employees at UZH and introduces the University of Zurich as an employer.

Welcome address of the President (PDF, 1 MB)

UZH Welcome Day

The Executive Board of the University extends a personal welcome to all new staff.

Discover fascinating research topics at UZH and build a network with your new colleagues.

Find out more about the event and the upcoming dates.

UZH Welcome Day

Employment Conditions

Most of the UZH staff are employed under public law. Members of the teaching staff are employed under private law.

You will find all necessary information here:

Employment conditions under public law

Professorial employment

Employment conditions for instructors

Information about pension funds at UZH:

BVK (PDF, 144 KB)

VSAO (PDF, 116 KB)

Working Hours

UZH offers full-time and part-time employments with flexible working hours.

Administrative and technical staff are required to record the hours they work.

To learn how working hours are regulated, please see the Fact Sheet on Working Hours.

Working hours (PDF, 95 KB)

Consulting Services

The Human Resources (HR) Department offers advice and support in all questions concerning your employment. Moreover, there are numerous consulting services for your personal well-being:


Enjoy exploring!

Family and Career

UZH values its employees' work-life balance – for instance, by offering a wide range of childcare services near your UZH workplace.

Family and career

Parenthood (PDF, 249 KB)

kihz – foundation for childcare in the Zurich University area


UZH has established eight leadership and management principles with the aim of raising awareness of challenges surrounding leadership. They contain specific recommendations for leaders and managers, and ideas to help them reflect on their own leadership style and behavior.

The University believes it is essential to cultivate a leadership culture that combines the freedom necessary for research and teaching with the operational business requirements at the administrative level.

UZH supports its employees in developing and improving their leadership and management skills.

Leadership and Management Principles

Policies and Mission Statement

The University of Zurich is an autonomous institution of the Canton of Zurich and is subject to public law. Our Mission Statement defines the identity, goals, and role of the University in academia and society.

Policies and Mission Statement

All employees, leaders and managers must also observe our UZH policies.

Gender Policy Code of Conduct

Diversity Policy

Sustainability Policy

Open Science Policy

Disability Statement

Salary System

The salary system of the Canton of Zurich applies to most of our staff. Individual salaries are set in accordance with the professional role acquired and the level of your professional experience.
Salary system of the Canton of Zurich

At UZH, there are fixed classification guidelines for the salaries of junior academics and instructors.
Salary classification guidelines for academic positions

Remuneration for teaching appointments at UZH (PDF, 57 KB)

The employment ordinance of UZH (PVO-UZH) as well as the employment act of the Canton of Zurich and its ordinance (Personalgesetz, PG) provide the legal foundations for your employment under public law. The Swiss Code of Obligations governs employments under private law.

Employment ordinance of UZH (PVO-UZH) (in German)

Employment act of the Canton of Zurich (PG) (in German)

Employment ordinance of the Canton of Zurich (PVO) (in German)

Implementation ordinance of the employment act of the Canton of Zurich (VVO) (in German)

Swiss Code of Obligations (OR)

Employees must also observe numerous UZH regulations, policies and guidelines. You are required to inform yourself independently and keep up to date with these regulations and policies. Here are several of such important documents:

Legal documents of UZH (in German)

General house regulations (PDF, 99 KB)

Regulation on the use of IT tools (in German)

Regulation on the protection against sexual harassment

Representative Bodies at UZH

Discounts and Offers

As an employee of UZH, you benefit from numerous discounts and other offers. Click here to find out what these are.

Discounts and special offers

Eligible employees can also apply for meal contributions with a Lunch Check card. This requires a UZH login.

Lunch Check card

Continuing Education

We believe continuing education for our staff members is essential.

UZH offers various in-house continuing education courses. In addition, UZH and ETH Zurich have a broad range of language courses. UZH employees can also attend the training and continuing education programs offered by the Canton of Zurich.

In-House Continuing Education at UZH

Language Center of UZH and ETH

IT Training

Continuing education program of the Canton of Zurich (in German)

Weiterführende Informationen


If you cannot find an answer to your question here, please contact the responsible HR representative in your organizational unit or the Competence Center responsible for you in the Human Resources Department.

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