Research methodology

Our EEG research methodology consists of two main steps: (1) preprocessing and (2) analysis.

1. Given EEG recordings from a group of subjects:
1.1. Preprocessing, which has as goal the selection of high quality EEG for each subject.
1.2. Validation, if experimental ground truth is available, for each subject. Two examples:
1.2.a. If resting state eyes closed EEG is available, then EEG microstate scalp maps should qualitatively have the classic, empirically observed prototypical topographies (see e.g.
1.2.b. If resting state eyes closed EEG is available, then the LORETA generators of oscillatory alpha activity should be located in posterior brain regions (see e.g.
1.2.c. If event related potentials (ERP) are available, for instance, from visual stimulation, then the LORETA generators of the P100/N180 peaks should be located in the visual cortex. Response to auditory or somatosensory stimulus can serve as well (see e.g.
1.3. Note that failure of validation can be due to problems in EEG quality.

2. Next, the validated EEG/ERP data can be used for analyses. Two examples:
2.1. Compare the microstate maps and dynamics parameters between a control group and a patient group (see e.g.
2.2. Compare brain function, as quantified by cortical electric neuronal activity using LORETA, in a control group, under different conditions. Comparison of brain function consists of difference in localization of cortical activity, and difference in effective connectivity (see e.g.

All statistical analyses are carried out with the highest methodological standards as used in the vast functional imaging literature