
Balthasar Bickel, Prof. Dr.

Principal Investigator

Department of Comparative Language Science, University of Zurich

Contact: balthasar.bickel AT

Sabine Stoll, Prof. Dr.

Principal Investigator

Department of Comparative Language Science, University of Zurich

Contact: sabine.stoll AT

Rolf Hotz, M.A.

University of Zurich

Contact: rolf.hotz AT

Former staff

Novel Kishore Rai, Prof. Dr. Elena Lieven, Prof. Dr.
Laura Canedo Durga Kumari Rai, B.A.
Tyko Dirksmeyer Janak Kumari Rai, M.Ed.
Andreas Domberg Lash Kumari (Renuka) Rai, M.Ed.
Michael Erlach, M.A. Rikhi Maya Rai, M.Ed.
Sandesh Ghimire, M.A. Shanti Maya Rai
Shirin Hegetschweiler Marcel Sanjuan
Felix Klein Sebastian Sauppe, M.A.
Tatjana Krämer Robert Schikowski, Ph.D.
Kristina Labs (née Kuhn), M.A. Sarah Schneider
Nicole Lorenz, M.A. Jenny Seeg
Claudia Polkau, M.A. Kodjo Vissiennon
Netra Prasad Paudyal, Ph.D. Rachel Weymuth, B.A.
Joel Prokopchuk Anne Wienholz
Anita Rai, B.Ed. Jan Wohlgemuth, Ph.D.
Daya Ram Rai, M.A. Saskia Wunder
Durga Bahadur Rai, M.Ed. Taras Zakharko, M.A.
Rabindra Kumar Rai, M.A. Evgeniya Zhivotova

(degrees reflect status at the time of participation in the project)