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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Yaser G. M. Alawneh

Yaser G. M. Alawneh, M.A.

  • Doktorand Dokroratsprogramm Asien und Europa



Yaser Alawneh is a Palestinian human rights activist with over fifteen years of experience in the fields of human rights and criminal justice. He joined the Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) in 2002 as a legal researcher (and later as a specialist in the UN human rights mechanisms). In 2014, he finished six months fellowship with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva in the National Institutions, Regional Mechanisms and Civil Society Section. In addition, Mr Alawneh enjoys high reputation as a human rights practitioner. He has developed particular strengths in practical human rights education and capacity building, delivery training in this field of human rights. He also has published numerous research studies, articles, reports, guidelines and training manuals on international mechanisms, criminal justice, children’s and women’s rights, developmental disabilities, humanitarian action, human rights and refugees and migrants and others.

He holds an M.A. in Democracy and Human Rights with socialization in the role of UN in protecting the minorities from Birzeit University.


Implementation and Accountability of State of Palestine as a Non-Member Observer State at the United Nations under the International Human Rights Treaties: A Comparative Study of EU and Palestine.

Abstract (PDF, 63 KB)


  • Accountability for Human Rights Violations Woman Refugees, The Palestinian Working Women's Society for Development,2016.
  • Country Assessment towards Monitoring and Reporting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, UNPFA and MIFTAH, Palestine 2016.
  • Training Manual on the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies Reporting, The Independent Commission for Human Rights, Palestine 2015.
  • The Impact of the Israeli Violations on Women and Children in the Gaza Strip, The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD), Palestine 2014.
  • The status of human rights defender, journalists, peaceful assembly, and freedom of association and religion in Palestine, The Independent Commission for Human Rights’ (ICHR) Annual Report (13,14,15,16,17,18 and 19) Palestine 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.
  • The Right to Form NGOs, The Eleventh Annual Report, The Arab Network for NGOs, 2013.
  • Palestine as a Non-Member Observer State at the United Nations, The Independent Commission for Human Rights, Palestine 2013.
  • The Right to Peaceful Assembly in Palestine Status and Future Prospects, The Independent Commission for Human Rights, Palestine 2012.
  • The Right to Form Associations, The Independent Commission for Human Rights, Palestine 2012.
  • Palestine in the United Nations as a Member State, The Independent Commission for Human Rights, Palestine 2011.
  • Death Outside the Law, The Independent Commission for Human Rights, Palestine 2010.
  • NO to the Death Penalty, The Independent Commission for Human Rights, Palestine 2010.
  • Human Rights Council (Functions and Responsibilities), Amman Center for Human Rights Studies, Jordan 2009.
  • Freedom of Media in Palestinian Controlled Territories during 2008, The Independent Commission for Human Rights, Palestine 2008.
  • Analyzing the place of reform and rights in Hammas election’s speech, Tolerance Magazine (Number 12-Forth Year 2006), Palestine.
  • The legal Responsibilities beyond the Israeli Intrusion for Jericho Prison and kidnapping the Political Prisons. The Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR), Palestine 2006.
  • The legal Frame for Child Protection in the International Humanitarian Law, The Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR), Palestine 2006.
  • The Role of Human Rights Defenders Against the Culture of Violence and Terrorism, Jordan, Mu’ta University, 2006.
  • Rights and freedoms in the basic law and its Effect on Development in Palestine, An-Najah National University, 2006.
  • Analyzing the Palestinian President’ Speech (Abu Mazin), Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies, Palestine 2005.
  • Media and Freedom of Expression, An-Najah National University, 2004
  • The situation of people with disabilities in Palestine, The Palestinian Center for Democracy Generalization and Society Development (PANORAMA), Palestine 2001.
  • The Role of Women in Development, The Palestinian Center for Democracy Generalization and Society Development (PANORAMA), Palestine 2001.
  • Right to development, The Palestinian Center for Democracy Generalization and Society Development (PANORAMA), Palestine 2000.
  • Human rights in the Basic Palestinian Law, Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies, Palestine 2000.
  • Internet as Universal Communication, An-Najah National University, 2000.