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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Marianna Levtov

Marianna Levtov, M.A.

  • Doktorandin Dokroratsprogramm Asien und Europa



09 2017 - present Ph.D. / University of Zurich
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program Europe and Asia
Research: Chinese Investments in Sub-Saharan Africa
09 2010 - 09 2012 M.A. (with excellence) / Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Interdisciplinary European Studies (Government, Politics, Law)
European Forum Graduate Program, Faculty of Social Sciences
09 2007 - 09 2010 B.A. / Hebrew University of Jerusalem
International Relations, East Asian Studies
Dept. of International Relations/Faculty of Social Science and Dept. of East Asian Studies
06 2016 - 04 2018 Systemic Coach / Tübinger Akademie für Weiterbildung Communication Specialist


  • DAAD Scholarship, LMU, Summer Semester (2012)
  • Faculty Excellence Scholarship, Universität Wien, Summer Semester (2011)
  • Dean Excellence Scholarship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2010-2012)


  • Chinese Foreign Policy
  • International Relations
  • Foreign Diplomacy


The African Venture of Modern China: déjà vu? Chinese Investments in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Riemenschnitter

Abstract (PDF, 55 KB)

Vorträge und Präsentationen (Auszug)

20.05.17 – to date Grundkurs Iwrit, Semester 1, 2 and 6
Zürcher Institut für Interreligiösen Dialog, Zürich (CH)
11.01. - 23.12.17 “Glückliches Zusammenleben als Weg zur Erfolgreichen Integration“
Integration Course, sponsored by Canton Aargau (CH)
03.02. - 05.02.17 “Jews in China”; “Life in Diaspora”
International Conference Limmud FSU Europe, Windsor (UK)
17.11. - 20.11.16 “Integration Approaches in Jewish Diaspora”
PT Convention, Nuremberg (DE)
08.04.2016  “Chinese Investments in Sub-Saharan Africa”
Jour Fixe 101, Confucius Institute, Munich (DE)
02.07. - 05.07.15 “Israel After Elections”
21. Jahrestagung der Union Progressiver Juden, Berlin (DE)
18.03.2015 “China-Israel Relations - The Untold Story”
Confucius Institute, Hamburg (DE) (invited talk)
02.05.2012 “The EU Policy toward China in the Course of the Last Decade: Normative Principles or Pragmatic Interests?” (in Hebrew)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (IL)