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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Nina Rageth

Nina Rageth, M.A.

  • Doktorandin Dokroratsprogramm Asien und Europa



09/2017 - 01/2019

doc.mobility fellowship (SNSF), Goldsmiths, University of London
Since 09/2014 PhD Candidate in the Study of Religion at the University Research Priority Program Asia and Europe

Working title: Siddha Medicine in the Context of Neo-Hindu Organizations in Contemporary South India: the Convergence of Religion and Medicine.
Doctoral committee: Prof. Dr. D. Lüddeckens, Prof. Dr. J. Quack, Prof. Dr. R. Walthert

09/2013-09/2014 Research and Teaching Assistant of Prof. Dr. D. Lüddeckens at the Department of Religious Studies, University of Zurich
2010-2013 Master of Arts in Study of Religion, University of Zurich

Master thesis: Auroville in der Zweiten Generation. Form und Konstitutionsbedingungen einer Neuen Religiösen Bewegung.

2010-2011 Visiting Student at SOAS, University of London
2006-2010 Bachelor of Arts in Study of Religion (major), Sanskrit (minor) and Indian Studies (minor), University of Zurich


  • Hindu guru organizations
  • New religious movements
  • Capital theories
  • Religion & medicine
  • Siddha medicine
  • Tamil Nadu


Siddha Medicine in the Context of Neo-Hindu Organizations in Contemporary South India: the Convergence of Religion and Medicine.

Abstract (PDF, 56 KB)




"A Reciprocal Relationship: Siddha Medicine in the Context of a Hindu Guru Organization", in: Asian Medicine 13/1-2, 222-246. [peer reviewed]


"Indian Sufism in Israel: A Musically Orchestrated Interaction", (co-authored with David Landau) in: PaRDeS, the Journal of German Association of Jewish Studies, Band 23, 163–180. [peer reviewed]

2015 “Gemeinschaft in der zweiten Generation. Religiöses Deutungssystem und geteilte Lebenspraxis in Auroville”, in: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 23/2, 258–284. [peer reviewed]
2015 “Multi-sited Fieldwork”, Asia & Europe Bulletin. The Bulletin of the University Research Priority Program Asia and Europe, 2016/5: 34-35.
2014 “Priesterinnen im Hinduismus”, facultativ. Magazinbeilage zur Reformierten Presse, 2014/2.

Book Chapter in edited volume


"Self-fashioning of the Hereditary Siddha Practitioner. Semantic Structure and Structuring Conditions", in: Lüddeckens, Dorothea und Monika Schrimpf (eds.): Medicine - Religion - Spirituality. Global Perspectives on Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Healing, transcript: Bielefeld, 91-132.


2017 Bananenblätter und Straßenstaub. Tamilische Kurzgeschichten aus Südindien und Sri Lanka.
Übersetzt von Eveline Masilamani-Meyer und Nina Rageth, Heidelberg: Draupadi Verlag.