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Asien-Orient-Institut UFSP Asien und Europa (2006–2017)

Vortragsreihe cum Seminar - Governance and Development (1 KP)

Dozierende: Prof. Dr. Katja Michaelowa, Prof. Dr. Andrea Riemenschnitter, Prof. Dr. Bettina Dennerlein
Datum: Dienstag/Mittwoch, 10./11. November 2009
Datum: Dienstag/Mittwoch, 24./25. November 2009
Datum: Dienstag/Mittwoch, 8./9. Dezember 2009
Zeit: 18:15 - 20:00 Uhr / 9 - 12 Uhr
Ort: verschiedene
KP: 1


This course will examine how different forms of governance influence development at the individual, local, regional and international level. Invited guest speakers will discuss these issues both from an Asian and from a European perspective. Major issues discussed will be violence against women in India, uncivil urban spaces in South China, and European foreign policy. The course is a combination of lectures by the invited speakers from different disciplinary backgrounds, and workshops in which course participants will be actively involved.


Arjun Singh Bedi, Professor of Development Economics, Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague

10 November 2009, 18:15–20, KOL G-201 (Aula), Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich

Vortrag: „Bare Branches and Drifting Kites: Tackling Female Infanticide and Foeticide in India“

11 November 2009, 9–12, location to be confirmed

Follow-up workshop: „Violence and Power: Women in India“

Inviting and Responsible Professor: Bettina Dennerlein, Professor for Islamic Studies and Gender Studies, University of Zurich

Helen Siu, Professor of Anthropology, Yale University, New Haven

24 November 2009, 18:15–20, place: KOL G-201 (Aula), Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich

Vortrag: „Cultures and Markets: Asian Connections through Time and Space“

25 November 2009, 9–12, location to be confirmed

Follow-up workshop: „Grounding Displacement: Uncivil Urban Spaces in Postreform South China“

Inviting and Responsible Professor: Andrea Riemenschnitter, Professor for Sinology, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Zurich

Ummu Salma Bava, Professor of European Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi

8 December 2009, 18:15–20, KOL F-101, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich

„Europe’s Role in International Governance: An Asian Perspective“

9 December 2009, 9–12, location to be confirmed

Follow-up workshop on the same subject

Inviting and Responsible Professor: Katharina Michaelowa, Professor for Political Economy and De­velopment, University of Zurich


To obtain credits for this course, participants are required to

1) be prepared for active participation, notably in the workshops, by preparing the texts communicated by the invited speakers.

2) a) prepare their own brief (5 min) presentation of selected issues of the papers handed out for the workshop. This could be an intervention highlighting the major points made by the authors of the pa­per, the presentation of some complementary or alternative perspectives on the issue, or a critical assessment of the paper. Up to three participants per workshop can sign up for these interventions. They should coordinate the focus of their presentations prior to the workshop.

Brief handouts or slides should structure the interventions.

The intention is that these brief presentations should help opening up the general discussion.


b) Take up the role of the moderator for one of the workshops. Moderation includes the discussion with the speaker prior to the workshop to inform him about the structure and objectives of the work­shop, communicate to him the roles of the different paper commenters etc. The moderator also en­sures that the papers to be discussed are communicated on time to all participants.


– Modul im Wahlpflicht-Pool I „promotionsrelevante, interdisziplinäre Angebote im Rahmen des UFSP Asien und Europa.

– Doktorierende, die nicht im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramm Asien und Europa promovieren, wer­den gebeten, die Möglichkeit der Anrechnung vorgängig mit den für Sie zuständigen haupt­verant­wortlichen BetreuerInnen (im Falle einer Promotion im Rahmen des allgemeinen Doktorats) bzw. den jeweiligen ProgrammkoordinatorInnen abzuklären.


TeilnehmerInnen werden gebeten, sich per E-Mail für den Kurs anzumelden und für eine der oben dargestellten Aufgaben (Moderation oder Koreferat) einzuschreiben: Inge Ammering

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Teaser text