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Department of Plant and Microbial Biology IPMB - Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Mailing lists

How to use the Mailing-Lists

The Mailing-Lists can be addressed also from outside the Institute only when using Webmail. Other clients like Apple Mail, Outlook or Thunderbird do not support these lists.

All lists start with the prefix .L.BOTINST. (be aware that the first . is also part of the address). This means that an address would then look like this .L.BOTINST.sgr_it .

Also be aware that you will not receive the mails when you are the sender yourself (even if you are part of the receiver list. You should include yourself as cc if you need  copy).

How the lists are structured

The groups (each box on the main page) have a prefix gr_ where as the subgroups have the prefix sgr_. Then you can simply add the initials of the respective head.

This means that for example the Beat Keller group can be addressed by gr_bk.

This will include the subgroup Beat Keller (sgr_bk), the subgroup Thomas Wicker (sgr_tw) and the subgroup Christoph Ringli (sgr_cr).

Overview of all available lists

Here you find an overview of all current lists and their sublists. The groups on the left hand always consist of their respective subgroups.

gr_bk   Group Beat Keller
  sgr_bk Subgroup Beat Keller
  sgr_tw Subgroup Thomas Wicker
  sgr_cr Subgroup Christoph Ringli
gr_ug   Group Ueli Grossniklaus
  sgr_ug Subgroup Ueli Grossniklaus
  sgr_cb Subgroup Célia Baroux
  sgr_sg Subgroup Stefan Grob
gr_cz   Group Cyril Zipfel
  sgr_cz Subgroup Cyril Zipfel
gr_jp   Group Jakob Pernthaler
  sgr_jp Subgroup Jakob Pernthaler
  sgr_tp Subgroup Thomas Posch

Group Leo Eberl

  sgr_le Subgroup Leo Eberl
  sgr_ab Subgroup Aurélien Bailly
  sgr_gp Subgroup Gabriella Pessi
  sgr_shu Subgroup Simona Huwiler  
gr_sb   Group Sylvain Bischof
gr_ar   Group Anne Roulin
  sgr_ar Subgroup Anne Roulin  
  sgr_fm Subgroup Fabrizio Menardo
gr_js   Group Joëlle Schläpfer
gr_sas   Group Sara Simonini
gr_mvdh   Group Marcel van der Heijden  
gr_urpp   Group URPP
  sgr_urpp_admin Subgroup Administration URPP
gr_admin   Group Administration / Staff
  sgr_admin Subgroup Administration / Sekretariat
  sgr_gardeners Subgroup Gardeners
  sgr_techteam Subgroup Technical Staff
  sgr_it Subgroup IT-Team

Group Botanisches Museum

Moreover, there is a list named all that contains all the groups above that you can use to write to all members of the Institute: .L.BOTINST.all

Here, you can see a graphical illustration of how the groups and subgroups are organized:Mailing-Lists Lotus

Maintenance of the lists

These lists have to be maintained by hand. Thus, it is important that you report personal changes in your team at the Sekretariat to have an up to date list.

It is also possible to create lists for a specific group of people. You can contact (or .L.BOTINST.sgr_it, hehe) so we can set up something. However, keeping the list up-to-date will be your responsibility.