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Campus Oerlikon

Vortragsreihe HS 22: "Digital Worlds"

Das Thema der zweiten Campus Oerlikon Vortragsreihe lautet "Digital Worlds: Research on Digitalization and Digitalized Research". Sie fand an drei Abenden im Herbstsemester 2022 statt.



Digital technologies permeate virtually all areas of life. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated digitalization in our everyday lives. The use of digital technologies in scientific research has also increased drastically within the last few decades. Digitalization allows scientists around the globe to make their research methods and results transparent and accessible (open science) and to share, access, or manage large amounts of data (big data), but also facilitates empirical work and helps communicate research results to a broad audience. While progressing digitalization has many advantages (e.g., fast information exchange, easy access to information and services, new possibilities of social, economic and political organization), there are also concerns and risks associated with it (e.g., digital divide, data security, fake news, cybercrime).



Wednesday, 28th September 2022


Affolternstrasse 56

Room: AFL-F-121


18.30 - 18.35

welcome address

18.35 - 19.00

Digitalization and the sharing economy

(Maria Pouri, Department of Informatics)

19.00 - 19.25

Teaching the Machine to Read Historical Manuscripts

(Phillip Ströbel, Department of Computational Linguistics)

19.25 - 19.50

The role of XAI in supporting users in the digital world

(Ibrahim Al Hazwani, Department of Informatics)

19.50 - 20.15

Challenges of Our Digitalized Everyday Life – Before and After Covid-19

(Kiran Kappeler, Department of Communication and Media Research)




Tuesday, 25th October 2022


Andreasstrasse 15

Room: AND-4-06


18.30 - 18.35

welcome address

18.35 - 19.00

Stabilitas in Progressu: Digitalization in the Monastic Organization

(Jan Danko, Department of Sociology)

19.00 - 19.25

Autonomous drones

(Davide Scaramuzza, Department of Informatics)

19.25 - 19.50

A digital research tool to study dynamic developmental processes in children: The «kleineWeltentdecker App»

(Moritz Daum, Department of Psychology,

Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development)

19.50 - 20.15

Stop Hate Speech – Countering Online Hate in Switzerland

(Karsten Donnay, Department of Political Science)




Thursday, 24th November 2022


Binzmühlestrasse 14

Room: BIN-0-K.02


18.30 - 18.35

welcome address

18.35 - 19.00

Deepfakes: High-tech illusions to trick the human brain

(Sascha Frühholz, Department of Psychology)

19.00 - 19.25

Semi-automatic curation of implicit knowledge

(Roy Rutishauser, Department of Informatics)

19.25 - 19.50

Scan2Screen – A scientific approach to the digitalization of film colours

(David Pfluger, Department of Film Studies)

19.50 - 20.15

Understanding Team Productivity: Challenges and Opportunities of Big Data on Collaborative Software Projects

(Ingo Scholtes, Department of Informatics)

