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Department of Computational Linguistics Text Technologies

Digitization and Annotation of the Resolutions by the Zurich Cantonal Government (1887-1902)

The resolutions by the Zurich Cantonal Government from 1887 to 1902 are archived as printed volumes (typeset in blackletter fonts, also known as Gothic or Fraktur) in the State Archives. In this project these books will be scanned (by the document management company DTI in Wil, Switzerland). Subsequently, the Department of Computational Linguistics will convert the images into text and will annotate the resulting text with metadata. This will include automatic OCR error correction as well as the recognition of the text structure (e.g. the delimiting and date-setting of each single resolution).

Sample scan

Project heads: Margit Gigerl (State Archives of the Canton of Zurich), Martin Volk (University of Zürich)

Researcher: Lenz Furrer (University of Zürich)

The project is financed by the State Archives of the Canton of Zurich and runs from 1. February 2011 until the end of 2011.

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