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Finance Office

Processing supplier invoices

Kreditorenworkflow (KWF)

Prozess KWF
  1. Order: If you order goods or services, please indicate the reference information. It indicates the responsible for the material and formal sign off. 

  2. Material sign-off (FHB § 64): Check whether goods and services correspond with the order/contract.
  3. Formal sign-off (FHB § 65): Check the details of the invoice (address, pricing, VAT, possible discounts and account coding (cost-center/project number and account, see also Kontenplan).

  4. Financial sign-off (FHB § 66): The cost center or project manager verifies the business case and account coding. Invoices higher than CHF 10,000 will be automatically forwarded to the next level for an additional financial sign-off.
  5. Payment: The invoice will be booked and paid automatically after the financial sign-off.


Please note that invoices must be checked and approved by at least two different persons (four eyes principle). The formal and material sign-off may be carried out by the same person, the financial approval by a person who has the right of disposal (i.e. cost center manager, project manager).

Credits are processed the same way as invoices.

You will get an e-mail named "Rechnung(en) zur Bearbeitung im Webportal “ (maximum once a day) as soon as you have an invoice to sign off. Please follow the highlighted link and log into the Webportal where you sign off the invoice.

Central billing address

The following central billing address must be provided when ordering:

University of Zurich
Zentraler Rechnungseingang
Pfingstweidstrasse 60B
8005 Zürich

Reference information

When ordering, please ensure that the supplier lists the following references on the invoice and is informed about the handling (see "Supplier information"):

Cost center or projekt:

  • For cost centers, the invoice must read “KST _ _ _ _ _ _ _” (letters KST followed by a 7-digit number).
  • For projects, use the alphanumeric number “_ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _”. The first character is always a capital letter, followed by a hyphenated numerical sequence.


Please include the e-mail of the person who placed the order (example: Always use "", even if you have an extended domain (


Incorrect invoices

Unfortunately, we are forced to return invoices if....

  • the invoice is in the name of a recipient other than "University of Zurich"/”Universität Zürich” (e.g. a university hospital)
  • the billing address is pasted over
  • the references are missing (this information may be added by the customer, but not in handwriting).


Retrospection: Our journey from the paper bill to the electronic processing of supplier invoices