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Department of Communication and Media Research

Studying at IKMZ: A good Choice

Communication science has become a leading discipline. Many political, economic and cultural processes are fundamentally based on communication. From a social science perspective, we study the individual, social, organizational and societal conditions and effects of communication performances.  

The Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ) is one of the largest and well recognized communication science departments in Europe. In our Bachelor and Master programs, we teach the full breadth of the discipline and focus on topics that are currently being researched at our department and debated in society. Our teaching aims to promote critical and independent thinking, to impart key analytical and methodological skills, and to make our graduates sought-after candidates in a wide range of industries of the employment market. 

Our teaching is of high didactic quality, but also expects from students to show initiative and a willingness to perform. We emphasize relevance and topicality, constantly modernize our study programs and promote exchange semesters at partner universities.

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