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Global Student Experience


Find answers to frequently asked questions here:

Structure and Content

How is Explore structured?
Explore is a semi-intensive program. It lasts for 2 semesters. Program entry is only possible in the fall semester.

  • Fall Semester (16 September 2024 – 20 December 2024)
  • Spring Semester (17 February 2025 – 31 May 2025)

Explore is structured modularly. The program includes German courses, academic modules, as well as individual counseling, information sessions, and workshops. 

On average, Explore participants attend approx. 8-10 lessons of instruction per week. Additionally, for each lesson of instruction, participants should expect one lesson of preparation and/or follow-up. This results in a weekly commitment of approx. 16-20 lessons. In addition, participants are expected to participate in the accompanying program (information sessions, workshops, etc.).

Does Explore replace a career counseling?

Through their participation in Explore, participants have the opportunity to improve their German skills on an academic level and familiarize themselves with the content and requirements of university studies in Switzerland. Moreover, they receive information on study-related topics (e.g., choice of study program or university admission).

However, Explore cannot replace professional coaching or study, career or career counseling. We recommend combining a participation in Explore with coaching or study and career counseling.

Does Explore prepare for the ECUS exam?
By participating in Explore, participants improve their language skills in German and refresh their academic competencies in selected university subject modules. However, Explore does not specifically prepare participants for the ECUS exam. For more information on the content and requirements of the ECUS exam, please visit the official ECUS website:

Expectations and Goals

I haven't decided whether I want to study yet, can I still participate in Explore?
Explore is primarily aimed at refugees who wish to pursue higher education or other tertiary-level training in Switzerland. However, it's not always definitively clear at the time of application whether tertiary-level education is a possible and realistic goal. Nonetheless, participation in Explore is still possible. By participating in Explore, participants not only have the opportunity to expand their language skills in German and refresh their academic competencies in selected university subject modules but also gain insight into the content and requirements of higher education in Switzerland. They also become familiar with the education opportunities at Swiss universities, thereby gaining important insights for choosing a suitable educational path.

I already have a university degree. Is it worthwhile for me to participate in Explore?
For individuals who have already obtained a bachelor's or master's degree abroad, entering the Swiss job market can also be challenging. It may be worthwhile to continue university education in Switzerland or to obtain another tertiary-level qualification.

We recommend that you thoroughly inform yourself about the education system in Switzerland and suitable educational and further training opportunities, for example, on Here you will also find specific information about the Swiss higher education system (types of universities, fields of study, duration of studies, admission requirements, etc.).

Also take advantage of the counseling services offered by the cantonal career and study counseling offices (in German) or by other specialized offices such as HEKS MosaiQ.

Please also note that there is usually an age limit for cantonal scholarships. In the canton of Zurich, for example, it is 45 years. This is important if you are dependent on cantonal scholarships to finance university studies or further training. You can find more information on scholarship options in the Canton of Zurich on the Canton of Zurich's website (in German). General information on financing education and training can be found at

Language Courses and Certificates

At what level are language courses offered at Explore?
During the fall and spring semesters, Explore students attend six German lessons (level B1 to C1) per week. Course placement is made by the Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich and is based on the German assessment and/or on classroom experience.

Can language certificates be acquired when participating in Explore?
Participants of Explore attend German courses and thus expand their academic language skills. In the language courses, topics relevant to certificate examss can be discussed and exam situations can be practiced. However, these are not specific preparatory courses for language certificates (e.g. Goethe or Telc). Language exams for obtaining language certificates must be taken at external providers. Taking language certificates at the University of Zurich is not possible.

I currently have a German level B1. After participating in Explore will I have a C1 level?
Progress in learning German is very much dependent on the commitment and dedication of the participants. With regular and active course participation as well as additional self-study (doing homework, visiting the self-study center, etc.), most people can progress one level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in one year. This means that those who have German skills in the B1 range at the beginning of the program, can have German language skills in the B2 range at the end of the program with appropriate commitment.

What language requirements do I need to have for admission to a regular study program?
Very good knowledge of the language(s) of instruction is required for university studies. The language of instruction at universities in German-speaking Switzerland is usually German and/or English. For admission to a university program, foreign-language applicants must therefore usually demonstrate very good knowledge of the main language of instruction. For more information on language requirements, please visit the website of the university of your choice. Information on the language requirements of the University of Zurich can be found on the website of the Admissions Office of the UZH.

Please note that even in study programs with German as the main language of instruction, a good knowledge of English is required.

Application Process

Some of my documents are lost or not ready yet. Can I still apply for Explore?
We ask that you submit complete applications whenever possible, as we can only process complete applications. An application is considered complete when all required documents have been submitted. However, if documents are lost or not yet ready, you can still submit your application and submit the missing documents as soon as possible. Please inform us via e-mail.

Do I have to submit scans of translations of diplomas for my application to Explore or are scans of the original documents sufficient?
Please submit scans of the original documents whenever possible. If you wish to submit translations, please note that we can only accept officially certified translations. Click here for more information on officially certified translations.

My municipality does not approve participation in Explore. What can I do?
For persons who are in the asylum welfare structures, the consent of the municipalities to participate in Explore is a prerequisite for participation in the program.

For the participation in Explore a participation fee is charged. In the canton of Zurich, the participation fees can be settled via the cost ceiling available to the municipalities as part of the support system for refugees (IAZH). Explore is listed in thecantonal catalog of integration programs IAZH (nr. B-01-012). Applicants from other cantons can inquire with their case manager about possible financing in the frame of the cantonal integration program. 

Is there an age limit for participation in Explore?
There are no age restrictions for participation in Explore.

However, please note that there is usually an age limit for cantonal scholarships. In the canton of Zurich, for example, it is 45 years. This is important if you are dependent on cantonal scholarships to finance university studies or further training. You can find more information on scholarship options in the Canton of Zurich on the Canton of Zurich's website (in German). General information on financing education and training can be found at

Do I have to submit a language certificate as proof of my German language skills?
No, you do not have to submit a language certificate as proof of your German language skills. If you do not have a language certificate, you can also submit proof of attendance at a German course, for example. Please note that we test the German language skills of suitable applicants in a German level assessment. The German level assessment is carried out by the Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich.

Compatibility with Family or Other Commitments

I have children. Does Explore offer childcare?
Childcare is not part of the basic offer of Explore. If you need childcare in order to participate in Explore, please first clarify the relevant options with your municipality. If childcare cannot be provided by the municipality, please contact the Coordination Office Explore in due time. We will be happy to clarify whether alternative support options exist at the University of Zurich.

Can I attend other integration programs or work alongside Explore?
Explore is a full-time program. Depending on the course selection and phase of the program, Explore participants attend approximately 8-10 lessons of instruction per week. For each lesson of instruction, one lesson of preparation and/or follow-up must also be taken into account. This results in a weekly effort of approximately 8-10 lessons. In addition, there is the participation in the additional program (information events, workshops, etc.).

Whether participation in other programs or courses is possible is at the discretion of the participants.

Can only individual courses of Explore be attended?
If you participate, you must attend the entire course offering. If you are only interested in German courses, you can find interesting external offers on our website.
If you would like to attend individual courses at the University of Zurich as an auditor, you will find further information here.

Admission to Regular Studies

Can I directly study at UZH or at another university after participating in Explore? 
No.  Participants of Explore improve their German language skills with a focus on academic language skills, gain insight into the content and demands of studying at UZH, learn about higher education opportunities and become familiar with university life at the University of Zurich.

However, he admission procedure to the Explore program is not equivalent to an admission examination to a regular study program and does not entitle the applicant to a facilitated admission to a regular study program. Applications for Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral degree programs must be submitted to the chosen university following the regular admission procedure. Due to the different education systems, different admission requirements apply depending on your country of origin. We therefore recommend that you inform yourself early on about your study options in Switzerland and about the admission requirements of the university of your choice. Admission requirements may vary depending on the university.

Good information about the higher education system in Switzerland can be found at (in German only). You should also take advantage of the counseling services offered by the cantonal career and study counseling offices (in German only) or by other specialized offices such as HEKS MosaiQ.

Information on the admission requirements to regular studies of Swiss institutes of higher education can be found on (in German only). The admission requirements of UZH can be found on the website of the Admissions Office.