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Global Student Experience

FAQs for Exchange Students


Question Answer
Which UZH office is responsible for what? The Global Student Experience Team supports students in planning and realizing their stay abroad. We are responsible for all non-subject-specific questions. This includes topics such as scholarships, Mobility Online, non-subject specific agreements ('university-wide', 'diverse' SEMP agreements), etc. Departmental Coordinators are the main link between students, lecturers and Global Student Experience. They are the first point of contact for subject-specific questions. This includes, for example, questions regarding credit transfer agreements, Learning Agreement (for SEMP students) or subject-specific agreements (SEMP and faculty/institute agreements).
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Question Answer
I am interested in an exchange stay. Where and when do I start with the preparations? Start planning an exchange semester early. You can consult our website. for opportunities and research the different types of exchange agreements. You can find all partner universities on our Search Portal. For non-subject-specific ('university-wide') agreements: Consult the course catalog of the host university to find out whether there are any suitable courses on offer for you. Check with your departmental coordinator whether the courses you have chosen can be credited to your degree program. Your departmental coordinator/study advisor can advise you on the appropriate time for an exchange stay and on questions regarding study planning.
What is the difference between an exchange and a self-organized stay? A stay that is not organized through a UZH exchange agreement is completely self-organized. As with an exchange stay, you must remain enrolled at UZH. For self-organized stays you have to pay the semester fees at the host university. You can find more information and helpful suggestions for self-organized stays here.
Can I apply to universities from different exchange programs or programs for my major and minor? Yes, both options are possible. If you are interested in applying for subject-specific agreements in your major and minor, please contact us. See also "Can I apply through my minor?".
Can I apply through my minor? Yes, this is theoretically possible. However, you need the consent of the departmental coordinators of your major and minor subjects for this.
Which universities can I apply for? With which universities is there an exchange agreement? In the search mask of the Search Portal you can enter your data to restrict the search according to your specific criteria. All agreements that are in principle open to you will then be shown. In the case of non-subject-specific ('university-wide') agreements, please check whether the partner university has a study program that is suitable for you (sufficient number of courses that can be credited, language of instruction). Also, double-check whether you meet the respective requirements of the partner university (e.g. GPA, language requirements) and whether there are any restrictions in the choice of subjects.
Which is the right university for me? This depends on your preferences, the courses offered, the country or language of instruction, etc. If necessary, you can ask your departmental coordinator for advice.


Question Answer
What are my chances for a university in ... ? The chances of getting a place vary greatly. It depends on the number of available places as well as on applications from other students. We therefore recommend using all 3 priorities and filling them as diversely as possible.
I am having problems logging on to Mobility Online. What do I do?

The Webpass password for Identity Manager is required for logging in. Please note that you have to register first, and then you can upload the necessary documents. These two steps are done via two different links:

Upload documents and edit application

What do I have to do after I have received my confirmation from UZH? Information on the next steps will be included in the confirmation email.
What kind of language certificate or level do I need at what point (when registering at UZH / at the host university)? When applying at UZH, you do not have to have the necessary language diploma yet. However, you must be able to demonstrate to us that you have the language level of the host university (e.g. through language courses, stays abroad, etc.). You must provide the necessary diploma at the latest when you register at the host university.


Question Answer
When and how do I have to apply for an exchange stay (Time, Deadline)? The application window for the next academic year (Fall/Spring semesters) opens on November 1. For non-subject-specific agreements (SEMP-'Diverse' and 'university-wide' agreements), the window closes on January 15. Individual subjects may have later application deadlines. Please confirm this with your departmental coordinator ahead of time. If you apply for different types of exchange programs, you must stick to the earliest deadline.
I missed the winter application deadline. What are my options? In June/July you can apply for the remaining available places for the upcoming spring semester. A list of available places under the non-subject-specific agreements will be published on our website. Further, you can check wether there are any available places remaining under subject-specific agreements with your departmental coordinator.
I have been allocated a place. When will I be nominated? You will be nominated as soon as the nomination window is open at the host university. For the nomination and application deadlines at the host university, please refer to the factsheet or the website of the respective university.


Question Answer

Who is responsible for signing the Learning Agreement?

Attention: this only concerns SEMP students

The Learning Agreement is to be signed by the departmental coordinator at UZH and their counterpart at the host university.
Can I take modules from both my major and minor? Yes, this is possible in most cases. There is a separate section for this in the Learning Agreement. For the Credit Transfer Agreement, please use the template of the faculty of your minor subject (if the minor subject is at another faculty).
When must the completed Learning Agreement be uploaded to Mobility Online? The Learning Agreement must be uploaded to Mobility Online no later than the second week of courses at the host university. The first installment of the scholarship will only be paid once the Learning Agreement has been submitted and accepted.
What is the difference between a Learning Agreement and a Credit Transfer Agreement? While the Learning Agreement is used for SEMP agreements, a Credit Transfer Agreement is needed within university-wide or faculty agreements.  You can generate the Learning Agreement yourself on Mobility Online. Please ask your faculty/institute for a template for the Credit Transfer Agreement.
How does the conversion and crediting of courses work abroad, and who is responsible for this? The departmental coordinators are responsible for both the accreditation and the conversion of the courses you have completed abroad.


Question Answer
What scholarship opportunities are available? Information on scholarships and funding opportunities can be found here.
What is the scholarship amount? Please see this page for current scholarship amounts.
When will I receive the scholarship? SEMP: The first installment of the scholarship will be paid to you after the Grant Agreement and the Learning Agreement have been accepted by us. The second installment will be issued after the completion of the Experience Report and submission of the Certificate of Attendance.
UZH Mobility Scholarships: The first installment will be released after you upload your Grant Agreement. In order to receive the second installment, the Experience Report must be submitted on Mobility Online, and your Transcript of Records must have reached us.