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Institute for Swiss Reformation Studies


Bild Kappeler Milchsuppe


Kappeler Milchsuppe 1529, Zentralbibliothek Zürich,
Handschriftenabteilung (Ms B 316, Bl. 418v.)

The Institute for Swiss Reformation Studies at the Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion at the University of Zurich was established on October 1, 1964. Its main purpose is to research the Reformation in Switzerland with a focus on Huldrych Zwingli, Heinrich Bullinger and Anabaptism.
Since September 2023, the Institute has been under the direction of Prof. Dr. Tobias Jammerthal.

We would be pleased to inform you on our website about the activities, projects and staff of the Institute for Swiss Reformation Studies.

Weiterführende Informationen

Chair Church History

Department of Theology

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Connecting Academics

Newly published: The Zurich Origins of Reformed Covenant Theology

Pierrick Hildebrand

• Throws new light on Zwingli and Bullinger, who in the sixteenth-century Reformed world were as influential as Calvin
• Deals with a crucial body of understudied archival material, both in print and in manuscript, which is made available for the first time to a wider readership
• The first monograph on Bullinger's covenant theology in over a generation

Buchcover "Wirkungen und Wurzeln der Schweizer Reformation"

Zwingliana 50 (2023)

Published in December 2023

The volumes of "Zwingliana" include articles on the history of Zwingli, the Reformation and Protestantism in Switzerland.

Award ceremony for Judith Engeler

J. F. Gerhard Goeters Prize of the Society for the History of Reformed Protestantism

Since 2001, the Society has awarded the J. F. Gerhard Goeters Prize every two years for an outstanding dissertation or post-doctoral thesis in German on a topic related to the history of Reformed Protestantism.

Our former doctoral student and collaborator, now senior assistant, Judith Engeler, is this year's winner of the prize. We congratulate her warmly!

Tagesschau report

"Chur celebrates 500 years of the Reformation in Graubünden"