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ISEK - Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft Ethnologie

Publikationen Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Dulam, D.,  Ichinkhorloo,B., Ahern, A. (2020). Animal or Livestock? Rethinking Human-Animal Relationship in Mongolia and China. Inner Asia, forthcoming.

Ichinkhorloo, B. (2018). Collaboration for Survival in the Age of the Market: Diverse Economic Practices in Postsocialist Mongolia, Central Asian Survey, 37 (3) 386-402.

Ichinkhorloo, B., Yeh, E. (2016). Ephemeral 'communities': Spatiality and Politics in Rangeland Intervention in Mongolia, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 43 (5), 1010-1034.

Ichinkhorloo, B & Thrift, E. (2015). Who Eats Quality Meat? Consumers and the National Meat Reserves Program in Mongolia, Health Environment, 1-14, Osaka.

Book Chapters

Ichinkhorloo, B. (2017). 'Environment as Commodity and Shield: Reshaping Herders' Collective Identity in Mongolia. In A. Ahern & T. Sternberg (Eds), Pastoralist Livelihoods in Asian Dryland: Environment, Governance and Risk (pp. 41-70). The White Horse Press.

Ichinkhorloo, B. (2016). The Road Paved for the Development: Environment and Mining (Mongolian). In Setsenkhuu (Eds), Road (pp. 52-82). GLOCOL, Osaka University.

Work & Project Reports

Thrift, E & Ichinkhorloo, B. (2015). Management of Dzud Risk in Mongolia: Mutual Aid and Institutional Interventions, Proceedings of the Trans-disciplinary Research Conference: Building Resilience of Mongolian Rangelands (pp.136-141). Colorado State University.

Voltolini, Tserendorj, Sovd, Munkhtogoo, and Ichinkhorloo, B. (2016). Gender Analysis in Pastoral Livestock Herding in Mongolia (88), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Byrne, E. & Dulam, B., Ichinkhorloo, B., Shagdar, T. (2015). Engaging with Informal Local Governance Institutions: A Case Study on Homeland Associations in Mongolia (28), Democratisation, Decentralisation and Local Governance, Helvetas Swiss.

Viguier, L., Ichinkhorloo, B., Tsend-Ayush. (2010). Dzud National Report 2009-2010: Report of the Study (00074253 UNDP/NEMA) (99).

Ichinkhorloo B. et all, (2010). Mongolia National Report on Sustainable Development CSD 18-19, UN Commission on Sustainable Development.