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ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies Social and Cultural Anthropology


Written examinations are held in the following modules of the Bachelor's program in Social Anthropology:

  • Introduction to Social Anthropology (Required module)
  • History and Theory in Anthropology (Required module)
  • Core field: Kinship and Gender (Core elective module)
  • Core field: Economic Anthropology (Core elective module)
  • Core field: Political Anthropology (Core elective module)
  • Core field: Anthropology of Material Culture, Everyday Technology and Arts (Core elective module)
  • Core field: Anthropology of Religion (Core elective module)

Repeat examinations are offered for the examinations (except History and Theory in Anthropology). A make-up exam is offered to those who because of extenuating circumstances missed the original exam of the module History and Theory in Anthropology.

Deregistration from examinations

If you are/were prevented from taking an examination and would like to avoid this counting as a failed attempt, you must immediately report to the lecturers / examination supervisor and provide proof of inability to participate by the deadline. In addition, you must submit a request for withdrawal of assessments in the app "My requests and invoices" in the student portal no later than five working days after the date of assessment. The request must contain the relevant documentation, such as a doctor's certificate or a confirmation of an exam clash (PDF, 85 KB).

Please also refer to the information provided by the Office of Student Affairs under "Withdrawal from Assessment" on the Assessments page.

Repeat examinations

If you do not pass a regular exam or deregister from a regular exam due to illness or overlap in exam schedule, you can either write the repeat exam in the same semester or repeat the module. As of fall semester 22, you will no longer be automatically registered for the repeat exam in the same semester, but must register for it yourself.


Failure to write a repeat exam without signing out will count as a failed attempt. Two failed attempts in a compulsory Social Anthropology module will result in a subject suspension in the Social Anthropology Major and Minor.

Make-up exams

If you deregister from the regular examination in the module "History and Theory in Anthropology" due to illness or overlap in exam schedule (PDF, 85 KB), you will be automatically registered for the make-up examination. If you are also unable to write the make-up examination, please deregister from this examination with proof of your inability to attend (doctor's certificate or similar) in the app "My requests and invoices" in the student portal. Otherwise, you will receive a failed attempt despite having deregistered from the original exam.