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ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies Popular Culture Studies

Kathrin Ottovay

Kathrin Ottovay, PhD

  • Researcher (Post-Doc) in the project ReDigIm
+41 44 634 23 10
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Research Interests

  • Practices and narratives of justice
  • Food cultures and food policies in social inequalities, Food (Movement) Studies
  • Bodies, Crises, Capitalism: Somatic Turn, Public and Planetary Health, Crisis(es) of Social Reproduction, Conflicts of Transformation
  • Research on/in articulations, conjunctures and dispositifs
  • Subjectivation and governance/governmentality


  • Since 4|2024: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the international project of the CHANSE research network "Redistributive Imaginaries: Digitalization, Culture, and Prosocial Contributions", at ISEK - Department of Popular Cultures (Professorship Ege)
  • 2023 PhD: From Food Crisis to Food Justice: Food Activism between Self-Care and Societal Transformation, at the Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, supervised by Prof. Dr. Stephan Lessenich and Prof. Dr. Silke van Dyk (Dr. phil, magna cum laude)
  • 2016 - 2023: Project and campaign coordination and public relations for civil society organizations and alliances in the fields of trade policy, climate, agriculture and food, urban politics and housing crisis, e.g. at Ernährungsrat Berlin, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung, Naturfreunde Deutschlands
  • 2012 - 2015 PhD scholarship holder of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
  • 2010 - 2012 | 2013: Research project assistant at the Institute for Gerontological Research e.V. Berlin
  • 2007 - 2009: Student assistant in the Public Health research group at the Social Science Research Center Berlin | WZB
  • 1999 - 2010: Studies of European Ethnology with Sociology and Gender Studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Sussex (Magistra Artium, very good)


Please refer to the German page.