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Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Prof. Dr. Tilmann Altwicker

Übersicht Lehrangebote in Legal Data Science

Lecture, every Fall Semester

Target group: Bachelor students

Language: English

Description: The lecture explores the following questions, among others: What is empirical (legal) research and what is it used for? How do lawyers and courts use findings from empirical research? What are the phases of an empirical research project? How is legal data collected? What are the methods of analysis? How are empirical results communicated? What are the limits of empirical legal research? Here, the students practice the application of simple statistical methods to legal data. Examples from a variety of legal fields will be analyzed. Prior knowledge of statistics and R is not required.  Students will also have access to DataCamp.


Seminar: Empirical Analysis of the Law: A Challenge-Based Approach Using R

Seminar, every Fall Semester

Target group: Bachelor/Master students

Language: English

Description: The aim of this seminar is to provide law students with a basic understanding of the empirical legal research progress - from conceptualization, through data collection and analysis, to reporting. Students will work collaboratively in small groups to conceptualize and implement a small empirical research project using basic statistical methods in R. Learning objectives include the ability to employ simple quantitative methods in the legal field using the approproate software and the knowledge on how to plan and carry out entry-level empirical research projects.


Introduction to Programming and Computational Thinking for Lawyers

Lecture in the Fall Semester 2023

Target group: Bachelor students

Language: English

Description: This course is an introduction to programming especially designed for law students, where students will learn fundamental concepts and skills of programming that are relevant in legal contexts. Students will learn the syntax, control flow, data structures and file input/output in Python and will also gain an understanding of how algorithms and computational thinking are used in computer science, as well as how computational methods and tools can be used by lawyers.

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Alberto Bacchelli (UZH Department of Informatics)


Onlinekurs I: Statistische Textanalyse

Onlinekurs, jedes Semester

Zielgruppe: Master und Doktorat

Sprache: Deutsch

Beschreibung: Der Onlinekurs I soll fortgeschrittenen Studierenden nichttechnischer Fächer Fähigkeiten im Text Mining vermitteln. Diese sollen die Studiereden befähigen, ihre eigenen einfachen emprischen Projekte auf der Basis von Textdaten durchzuführen. 


Online course, every semester

Target group: Master/Doctoral students

Language: English

Description: This course aims to introduce students to legal data science and teach them competences in R and statistics. Students will for example learn how to analyze and visualize data using datasets with a legal context. The course is designed for law students who are interested in expanding their skillset to data science and intend to use these skills to conduct simple legal data science projects, for example as part of their master thesis or dissertation.


Freely accessible online resources

Interested students can find freely available offers via these online resources that they can use to familiarise themselves with quantitative methods.





DataCamp (Freely accessible for students of Introduction to Empirical Legal Studies)