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Faculty of Law Chair of Legal History, Ecclesiastical Law, Legal Theory and Private Law

Zurich debate evenings on the history of law - ZAA

The Zurich Debate Evenings on Legal History (ZAA) have been a series of lectures on various legal history topics since 1954. Each evening consists of a lecture followed by a discussion and lasts approximately 90-105 minutes. The lectures usually take place three times a semester on a Thursday evening.

Further information, including the program, can be found on the website of the Center for Legal History Research.Website of the Center for Legal History Research.

Study module spring semester 2024

The course Zurich debate evenings on the history of law  (V-Nr: 3934) is a 3 ECTS elective module in the Master's degree program in Law, which is offered jointly by the chairs Thier, Alonso, Ernst, Fiocchi Malaspina, Liebrecht and Babusiaux.

Successful completion of the module requires attendance of all three face-to-face courses and the timely submission of sufficient essays for two of these courses. The essays consist of a summary of the lecture (40%) and an independent in-depth study of an aspect of the lecture of the student's choice using relevant literature (60%). They comprise 20,000-25,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes, excluding indexes) and are written in German. A cover page provides information on the topic and author. The presentation and citation style should meet academic standards, but a specific style is not prescribed. The essays are to be submitted by e-mail to the Thier Chair ( The submission deadline for the essays is 2-3 weeks after the lecture. Participation in the course will be graded as "pass"/"fail".

Registration takes place via the UZH booking tool. The modalities for inquiry modules apply to the module.

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Essay submission deadlines

1. Essay: 28.03.2024
2. Essay: 03.05.2024
3. Essay: 24.05.2024