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Faculty of Law

FAQ Graduation

How exactly does the transfer of credit toward the final degree work if there are superfluous modules? Are final degrees with more than 180 ECTS credits possible in the Bachelor? And in the Master with more than 90 ECTS credits?


The procedure for the transfer of credit for recognized academic achievement toward the final degree is as follows:

1. Credit for academic achievement, which is required for the degree: compulsory modules, core elective modules

If more than the required modules were completed in a module group with core elective modules, the module that was completed first (if only one is required for the degree) or the modules that were completed first (if more than one core elective module in the module group is required) will be taken into account. The core elective modules that are not yet taken into account at this step are subsequently treated as equivalent to elective modules in law (see item 2).

2. Credit for further modules in law (elective modules and core elective modules not yet included in the first step)

If not all of these "further modules in law" are needed to reach the required number of ECTS credits for the final degree (Bachelor: 180, Master RWF: 90), they are considered for a transfer of credit in ascending chronological order. The decisive factor is the semester in which the modules were completed. If the most recently completed modules, of which not all can be taken into account, were completed within the same semester, students choose which of these modules are counted toward their final degree. Each of the chosen modules must be required to achieve the ECTS credits needed for the degree (see the example below).

3. Credit for modules from outside the Faculty, if applicable

Credit for modules from outside the Faculty of Law is only counted toward the degree if the modules from the Faculty are not sufficient to achieve the required ECTS credits. Credit is given at the student's choice.

If, in this way, the credit of the modules counted toward the degree reaches a total greater than 180 ECTS credits in the Bachelor's degree or 90 ECTS credits in the Master's degree, the final degree is awarded with more than 180 ECTS credits or with more than 90 ECTS credits.


In the Master's study program Rechtswissenschaft (according to the new regulations), in addition to the compulsory modules (42 ECTS credits [including the Master's thesis]) and the required core elective modules (12 ECTS credits from the Foundations of Law module group), students must complete further modules amounting to 36 ECTS credits to reach the required 90 ECTS credits. The student Y. has completed the following academic achievement in addition to the compulsory modules:

  • 1st semester: core elective module A from the module group Foundations of Law (6 ECTS), elective module B from the Faculty of Law (6 ECTS)
  • 2nd semester: core elective modules C and D from the module group Foundations of Law (6 ECTS each), elective modules E (6 ECTS) and F (3 ECTS) from the Faculty of Law, module G from the Faculty of Philosophy (18 ECTS), module H from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics (6 ECTS), module J from the Language Center (2 ECTS)
  • 3rd semester: elective modules K and L from the Faculty of Law (6 ECTS each)

Order of consideration for a transfer of credit toward the degree:

1. Credit of compulsory modules (42 ECTS credits)

2. Credit of core elective module A (6 ECTS credits)

3. Credit of core elective module C or D according to Y's choice. (6 ECTS credits) [In the present case, this choice is ultimately irrelevant and would therefore be omitted].

-> Intermediate total: 54 ECTS credits

-> Credit of further modules to the extent of 36 ECTS is required for the final degree.

4. Credit of further modules from the Faculty in ascending chronological order: core elective module B (6), core elective module C or D (6), core elective modules E and F (9), core elective modules K and L (12)

-> Intermediate total: 87 ECTS credits

-> Credit of further academic achievement in the amount of 3 ECTS credits is necessary for the final degree.

5. Credit of modules from outside the Faculty of Law: Since credit of all modules from the Faculty is counted toward the final degree, credit of modules form outside the Faculty is taken into account. The credit of module J from the Language Center (2 ECTS) alone is not sufficient to reach the 90 required ECTS credits. However, it cannot be counted together with module G or H either, since it is not required to be taken alongside one of these modules in order to reach the 90 ECTS credits. Thus, Y. has the choice between module G (18 ECTS) and module H (6 ECTS). Regardless of this choice, Module F (elective module from the Faculty of Law, 3 ECTS) is dropped because it is now superfluous. If module G is chosen, the Master's degree will be awarded with 102 ECTS credits, if module H is chosen with 90 ECTS credits.

The modules completed at the UZH for which credit is not counted toward the final degree can be seen in the Academic Record together with the grade; they appear under the title "Academic Achievement Not Counted toward Degree".

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