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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Research Seminar Series - Fall 2023

Das Jacobs Center organisiert jedes Semester ein Programm von vier interdisziplinären Vorlesungen, zu denen international renommierte Dozenten eingeladen werden. Die Themen stehen im Zusammenhang mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten des Zentrums.

Die Research Seminar Series findet in den Räumen der Universität statt und ist
der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Lehrende, Studierende und andere Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen.

The Jacobs Center organizes each semester a series of four interdisciplinary lectures, for which internationally renowned speakers are invited. The topics are related to the Center's major research areas.

The Research Seminar Series takes place at the University and is open
to the public. Teachers, students and other interested persons are cordially invited.


Prof. Dr. Jeylan Mortimer

Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota

Extending the Status Attainment Paradigm: Recent Findings from the Youth Development Study


Prof. Dr. Christine Lötscher

Professor for Popular Literature and Media with focus on Children’s and Youth Media
Popular Culture Studies, ISEK - Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies
University of Zurich

Teen Angst and Eco-Passions. Negotiating Mental Health on TV in Times of Climate Crisis


Dr. Benjamin Arold

Postdoctoral Researcher at Center for Law & Economics, ETH Zurich

Evolution vs. Creationism in the Classroom: The Lasting Effects of Science Education

16.11.2023 (exceptionally at 16:30 in AND 4.02)

Prof. Dr. Moriah E. Thomason

Barakett Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Research
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine

How do Neural Networks of the Fetal Brain Tell us about the Past, Present and Future?


Prof. Dr. Ulf Zölitz

Assistant Professor of Economics for Child and Youth Development
Department of Economics and Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, University of Zurich

Global Prevalence and Determinants of Child Corporal Punishment


Dr. Dalila Figueiredo

Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Research in Collective Goods

The Effect of a Conditional Cash Transfer on Child Marriage: Evidence from Mexico


Prof. Dr. Lauren Gaydosh

Assistant Professor of Sociology, Center on Aging and Population Sciences, University of Texas

Early Life Course Exposure to Family Instability and Adult Health