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Department of Molecular Life Sciences Bachmann group

Adhuresa Ramosaj

Adhuresa Ramosaj

PhD Student

Adhuresa Ramosaj

Y13-K-76 / Lab Y13-K-48


Adhuresa completed her Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Chemistry at the University of Fribourg. Her bachelor thesis in the lab of Prof. Joern Dengjel focused on the analysis of the extracellular protein secretion under stress condition linked to mTORC1 regulation. She already became fascinated by the role of protein degradation and secretion processes in cellular homeostasis. She later further developed an expertise in proteomics analysis during her Master’s thesis in Molecular Life Sciences at the University of Bern. Working under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Marc Nuoffer and Dr. Alexander Laemmle, she tried to characterize MCT8 deficiency using iPSCs.
After working as a research intern in the laboratories of Prof. Martin E. Schwab and Prof. Vassiliki Nikoletopoulou at the University of Zurich and Lausanne respectively, Adhuresa joined  the Bachmann group as a PhD student. She investigates the ciliary dynamics and protein content in various zebrafish organs.


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