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Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät

Office hour for the exchange program «Berlin-Vienna-Zurich» (28.10.2019)

The faculty offers a structured exchange program «Think Business, Go International! Berlin-Vienna-Zurich» for Master students in Management & Economics or Business Administration. This program allows you to spend an exchange semester at the Humboldt University in Berlin or the University of Vienna with guaranteed course recognitions and opportunities to network with other program participants and the professors associated with this program.

On October 28th at 16.00 we offer an office hour for students generally interested in participating in the program. The event allows you to meet in an informal atmosphere with Prof. Uschi Backes-Gellner (program director Zurich), Prof. Agnes Bäker (program coordinator «Think Business») as well as other program participants. We will provide you with detailed information on the structured exchange program and answer questions concerning your study planning.

The open office hours take place at Plattenstr. 14, 2nd floor, office of Prof. Uschi Backes-Gellner.

If you are interested in joining us for the open office hours, please register here: Registration

Further information on the program


Weiterführende Informationen

Mobility Program «Berlin-Vienna-Zurich»

Mehr zu Mobility Program «Berlin-Vienna-Zurich»

Learn more about our structured Mobility Program at Master's Level «Berlin-Vienna-Zurich».