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New Head of the Department of Informatics: Prof. Burkhard Stiller

As of 1 August 2022, Burkhard Stiller took over from Renato Pajarola as Head of the Department of Informatics. Stiller is a full professor of «Distributed Systems and Networks» and joined the University of Zurich UZH in 2004.

After receiving his Dr.rer.-nat. (PhD) degree in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, in 1994, he worked at the University of Cambridge, U.K., ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and University of Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany. At UZH he is leading the Communication Systems Group CSG with its main research interests in fully decentralized control (blockchains, clouds, peer-to-peer), network and service management (economic management), Internet-of-Things (security of constrained devices), and telecommunication economics (charting and accounting).

In addition to his full professorship position at IfI, Burkhard is a member of the UZH Blockchain Center's Steering Committee and has actively been promoting Informatics in Zürich and Switzerland, being involved in events like the Swiss Digital Days or the Scientifica. 

We congratulate him warmly and wish him much success in his new role.

Burkhard Stiller replaces Renato Pajarola in his position as Head of the Department. Since 2018, Prof. Pajarola has shaped and contributed to the direction of the Department – especially during the challenging times of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Renato Pajarola stays a valuable member of the Department as a full Professor and Head of the Visualization and Multimedia Lab.

We thank him sincerely for his commitment and dedication as Head of the Department over the last four years.


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Prof. Burkhard Stiller

Prof. Burkhard Stiller

Mehr zu Prof. Burkhard Stiller

New Head of Department of Informatics and Professor of Distributed Systems and Networks