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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Submission of Petitions

Petitions should be submitted digitally (as a PDF) to (in German or English). Please only use your UZH email address for this purpose. Please note that it may take up to four weeks to process your petition after submission.

Attention: Petitions regarding minor programs taken at other faculties must be addressed to the relevant office at the other faculty.

General petitions

The more precisely a petition is formulated, the more quickly it can be processed. For that reason, please always include at least the following information in your petition:

  • Sender and date
  • Student ID number
  • Degree program and study programs (e.g., Bachelor's degree program with Business Administration as a major and Economics as a minor study program)
  • Clear and concise justification
  • Any supporting documentation (doctor's note, birth certificate, etc.)
  • Original signature

Withdrawal from examination (e.g., with doctor’s note)

If you cannot take an examination due to an illness or accident, you must request to withdraw from the related module in the Student Portal (“My Requests” tile). The request must be submitted no later than five business days after the examination date. Please remember to upload a relevant piece of proof before submitting your request.

The decision (approval or rejection) will also be communicated in the Student Portal. You will receive a notification in your UZH e-mail account for every request that has been processed.

Please be aware that falsifying a doctor’s note or any other kind of proof is considered forgery of documents. If there is justified suspicion of forgery, disciplinary and criminal proceedings may be initiated. In cases of doubt, the examination delegate may consult a doctor of their choosing.

If you withdraw from an examination for health reasons, a petition may be submitted for a make-up examination on the next available date, if the module cannot be completed successfully within the two-year assessment period or within the period defined for any additional requirements. This additional petition to the examination delegate must be received in writing (not by e-mail) by 31 July in your second year of assessment at the latest. In case of additional requirements, it must be received toward the end of the fourth semester of your additional requirements at the latest.

Information on examination withdrawal procedure (PDF, 100 KB) 
Student Portal

Deadlines (assessment and additional requirements/conditions)

If you withdraw from an examination for health reasons, a petition for a retake opportunity must be submitted at the next available date, otherwise the module cannot be successfully completed within the 2-year assessment period or within the deadline for completion of additional requirements. This additional petition must be submitted in writing no later than July 31 of your second assessment year digitally (as PDF) to addressed to the examination delegate. In the case of requirements and conditions, it must be submitted by the end of the fourth semester of the requirements and conditions at the latest.

Studies and military service

Coordinating military service and studies

Information and policies concerning a petition for deferral of service (Dienstverschiebungsgesuch) can be found on the website of the Swiss Armed Forces.

Website Swiss Armed Forces, petition for deferral of service

Petition for deferral of service (Dienstverschiebungsgesuch)

Please send the electronically completed petition for deferral of service along with the notice of service by email to We will only examine complete petitions and send back to you the completed and signed “Request of Advisory Office” (Antrag der Beratungsstelle) via e-mail within 2 to 3 working days.

Office hours of the Dean's Office

Studies and pregnancy

Gender equality and equal opportunities for women and men are important to the University of Zurich.  In the event of pregnancy, compensatory measures can therefore be applied for.

Studies and pregnancy

Students with disabilities

Students who wish to submit a petition for measures to assist them with their studies due to a disability or a chronic illness or the like must notify the UZH Disability Office well in advance of commencing their studies. Students must resubmit a claim for measures to assist them with their studies each semester.

Students with disabilities

Studies and top-level sports

Top-level student athletes who are participating in the Olympic Games have the opportunity to request certain adjustments to their course sequence.

Studies and top-level sports

Suspension of studies

In exceptional cases, assessment-level students may pursue extra-curricular activities (internships, language courses abroad, employment, humanitarian aid, etc.) during a short period of time.

Suspension of studies

Petition to the Examination Delegate

Every decision letter of the examination delegate includes instructions on the right to appeal. This states that a decision can be appealed to the examination delegate within a period of 30 days.

Petitions should be submitted digitally (as a PDF) to (in German or English). Each appeal must meet the following requirements and be sent from the UZH email address:

  • Sender and date
  • Student ID number
  • Degree program and study programs (e.g., Bachelor's degree program with Business Administration as a major and Economics as a minor study program)
  • Clear and concise justification
  • Any supporting documentation (doctor's note, birth certificate, etc.)
  • Original signature

You are free to submit documents suitable to support your request (e.g. diplomas, detailed course description, transcripts of records, etc.).

Upon receipt of the appeal, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt. Appeals not submitted in due time will not be considered.

The procedure will be conducted in writing. The decision will be sent to your UZH e-mail address.

For the comprehensive examination of your appeal as well as the issuance of the decision, a procedure duration of 30 to 60 days is generally to be expected.

Appeals to the Appeals Commission of the Higher Education Institutions of the Canton of Zurich

The appeal decision of the examination delegate(s) again contains instructions on the right to appeal. This states that the appeal decision can be contested within a period of 30 days by submitting an appeal to the Appeals Commission of the Higher Education Institutions of the Canton of Zurich.

The procedure in front of the Appeals Commission is conducted in German only. Submissions by e-mail are not possible. Inquiries regarding the appeal procedure should be directed to the Appeals Commission. For further requirements regarding the appeal, please consult the website of the Appeals Commission of the Higher Education Institutions of the Canton of Zurich.

Rekurskommission der Zürcher Hochschulen (German only)

Weiterführende Informationen

Contacts (sorted alphabetically by students' surnames)

A to J:
Bea Girardet, Dekanat

K to O:
Donata Mikosch, Dekanat

P to S:
Richard Müller-Winter, Dekanat

T to Z:
Susanne Erber, Dekanat

Petitions to Examination Delegates

Please submit petitions in letter form and in German digitally as PDF by e-mail to Please use your UZH email address and submit petitions to the address listed below.

Business and Economics
Examination Delegate
Prof. Dr. Mathias Hoffmann
University of Zurich
Dean's Office, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zurich

Examination Delegate
Prof. Dr. Michael Böhlen
University of Zurich
Dean's Office, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zurich

MSc in Quantitative Finance:
Examination Delegate
Prof. Dr. Walter Farkas
University of Zurich
Dean's Office, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Rämistrasse 71
CH-8006 Zurich
