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Philosophische Fakultät

H2R Summer School 2024: Reshaping Reproduction. Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Reproduction (4-6.9.24)

The rapidly changing medical technologies for human reproduction raise a variety of complex ethical and legal questions, which the University Research Priority Program (URPP) „Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R“ is dedicated to.

The URPP H2R invites doctoral and postdoctoral students to participate in the summer school. Early career and advanced scholars from a wide range of fields such as social
anthropology, ethics, sociology, medical/clinical psychology, law, theology, history, economics and gender studies are invited to present their work and profit from interactive workshops
and discussions.

Projects should focus on how our current technologies of medically assisted reproduction affect discourses, practices and evaluations of human reproduction. Crucially, these technologies challenge normative notions of family, kinship, physicality, intimacy, reproductive responsibility, among
others, and require important and urgent discussions for legislators and society as a whole.

The Summer School will focus on inter- and transdisciplinary
work on the individual research and dissertation projects.

Prof. Dr. Caroline Rusterholz (University of Cambridge)
PD Dr. Bianca Vienni Baptista (ETH Zurich)
Dr. Luca Chiapperino (University of Lausanne)

The Summer School is held in German/English.

Please send CV (1 page) and short abstract (max. 400 words) about your research project to

Date: September 4-6 2024
Venue: Kartause Ittingen

Flyer (PDF, 92 KB)