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PHY401 Condensed Matter Physics


Prof. Dr. Marc Janoschek

Prof. Dr. Fabian Natterer

Assistant: Daniel Zeitz

Monday, 10:00 - 12:00

Tuesday, 09:00 - 11:00

Exercise Class: Tuesday, 11:15 - 13:00
Start: Monday, 16.09.2024
Location: Y36 K 08

Further Information can be found in the course catalogue.

Rules for the exercise sheets

1. Hand in the exercise sheets on Monday during the lecture.
2. You need to have at least 60% of the total points to qualify for the exam.
3. You should hand in every exercise sheet and attend the exercise classes.
4. Exam questions can be related to the exercise sheets and the discussions during exercise class.

MS Teams Classroom

Please note that our preferred way of handing in the exercise sheets is the MS Teams Classroom for this Course. Information on how to join it can be obtained by contacting us directly. All lecture material, exercise sheets and additional material will be made available there. We also use it to do quizzes and other things during the lecture. 

Lecture Material and Exercise Sheets

Lecture Date Topic Lecture Material Exercise Sheets
1 16/09/2024 Introduction to Lecture and Planning Lecture1_Goals_Requirements_Introduction_HS2024 (PDF, 4 MB)  
2 17/09/2024 Electrons in a Periodic Potential Lecture 2 - Slides: Electrons in a Periodic Potential (PDF, 2 MB)Lecture 2 - Whiteboard: Electrons in a Periodic Potential (PDF, 30 MB) Exercise Sheet 1 (PDF, 196 KB)
3 23/09/2024 Landau's Fermi Liquid

Lecture 3 - Slides: Landau's Fermi Liquid (PDF, 3 MB)

Lecture 3 - Whiteboard: Landau's Fermi Liquid (PDF, 26 MB)

4 24/09/2024 Quantum Hall Effect

Lecture 4 - Slides: Quantum Hall Effect (PDF, 3 MB)

Lecture 4 - Whiteboard: Quantum Hall Effect (PDF, 11 MB)

Exercise Sheet 2 (PDF, 139 KB)
5 30/09/2024      
6 01/10/2024      
7 07/10/2024      
8 08/10/2024      
9 14/10/2024      
10 15/10/2024      


12 22/10/2024      
13 28/10/2024      
14 29/10/2024 Guest Lecture Prof. Zurab Guguchia    
15 04/11/2024      
16 05/11/2024      
17 11/11/2024      
18 12/11/2024      
19 18/11/2024      
20 19/11/2024      
21 25/11/2024      
22 26/11/2024      
23 02/12/2024 Guest Lecture Dr. Artur Glavic    
24 03/12/2024 Guest Lecture Prof. Christof Aegerter    
25 09/12/2024 Guest Lecture Prof. Johanna Nordlander    
26 10/12/2024 Guest Lecture Prof. Thomas Greber and Dr. Huanyao Cun    
27 16/12/2024 Student Presentation Day 1    
28 17/12/2024 Student Presentation Day 2