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PHY461 Experimental Methods in Particle Physics

Lecture Programme HS2024

Date Topics Lecturer
Sep 18/19

Introduction and overview (PDF, 8 MB)

Olaf Steinkamp
Sep 25/26 Interactions of particles with matter (PDF, 24 MB) Stefanos Leontsinis
Oct 2/3

Tracking - Introduction (PDF, 5 MB)

Tracking - Gas Detectors (PDF, 5 MB)

Tracking - Silicon Detectors (PDF, 10 MB)

Anna Macchiolo
Oct 9/10
Oct 16/17


Thomas Schietinger
Oct 23/24
Oct 30/31 Particle identification (TOF & dEdX, Cherenkov radiation, transition radiation) Katharina Müller
Nov 6 Special applications of particle identification
Nov 7/13


Urs Langenegger
Nov 14/20
Nov 21
Nov 27 Jets and jet reconstruction algorithms Urs Langenegger
Nov 28 Electronics Carlos Abellan
Dec 4/5 Digital signal processing
Dec 11/12 DAQ and trigger Stefanos Leontsinis
Dec 18/19 Reconstruction and analysis, summary Olaf Steinkamp