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Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich

FAQs Russian

Q1: Are the Russian courses taught in German?

All Russian courses are taught in German. This means that the course program, materials, grammar explanations, and assessments are in German.

If you wish to attend a Russian course, you will need A2-level German. You may ask questions in English and French.

You can attend Russian III-IV if you are able to understand your lecturer’s instructions. If you are unsure, please contact your lecturer.

Q2: Are all courses offered every semester?

Russian I, III, and V run in fall semesters. Russian II and IV run in spring semesters. Russisch für Insider is usually run every other spring semester. For more information about the next iteration, please contact

Q3: Are any courses offered outside of the semester?

No, at present we only offer courses during the semester.

Q4 A: I studied Russian at another school/institute or similar. Can I take a Russian course?

In principle, yes. Please contact your lecturer well in advance. They will ask you about your prior knowledge and will suggest which course you might like to take.

If you prior knowledge is slightly below the requirements of one of our courses, you can catch up by studying the language autonomously. If you meet the requirements of the course before the course begins, you can attend the course. If your language skills don’t match any of the courses we offer, your lecturer will suggest other ways to improve your Russian skills.

Q4 B: I learnt Russian independently using apps and similar tools. Can I take a course in Russian?

In principle, yes. Please contact your lecturer well in advance. They will ask you about your prior knowledge and will suggest which course you might like to take.

If you prior knowledge is slightly below the requirements of one of our courses, you can catch up by studying the language autonomously. If you meet the requirements of the course before the course begins, you can attend the course. If your language skills don’t match any of the courses we offer, your lecturer will suggest other ways to improve your Russian skills.

Q5: It’s been a very long time since I learnt Russian, and I have forgotten a lot. Can I take the beginner Russian I course in order to brush up my basic skills?

No. Russian 1 A 1.1 is designed for complete beginners. We recommend that you work on your skills independently, using the same materials that are used by the Language Center. Materials are available at the Self-Access Center. A language meet-up run by the Self-Access Center would also be helpful. Please contact the lecturer to find out if your language skills are adequate to attend the beginner course.

Q6: I would like to take a course that is below my language level in order to brush up my language skills. Can I do that?

No. Our courses are performance based, and we award ECTS points for successfully completed course work. If you wish to brush up your language skills, we recommend that you do so at the Self-Access Center.

Q7: I have successfully completed Russian V. How can I continue with my language learning?

Follow your teacher’s recommendations. You will find more information on our website about how our courses progress. The services and events offered by our Self-Access Center  will also help you to improve and practice your language skills

Q 8: I grew up with Russian, but this was outside of the Russian-speaking area. Can I take a Russian course at the Language Center?

Our courses are generally not designed for so-called heritage speakers. From time to time, we offer a special course entitled Russisch für Insider, which might be of interest to you. Please contact the lecturer for more information.

Q9: How can I work on my Russian skills in combination with a language course and/or during semester breaks?

The Self-Access Center offers a range of options for autonomous study. Occasionally, we offer Russian language meet-ups and other events. The Self-Access Center also provides various materials and consultations.

If you have other questions, please consult the general FAQs that relate to all Language Center courses and services.

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