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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

New STS course starting in HS24: Social Innovation for Development & Sustainability

Social Innovation for Development & Sustainability

How can we generate impact through social innovation? What digital skills can we leverage to achieve sustainable development goals? What pathways can we follow to work together across cultures and sectors?

Hubs of Open and Participatory Education for Digitally Connected Learning (HOPE) is a project funded by the UZH Teaching Fund (ULF), as one of the key educational activities of The BRIDGE Lab.

As the first milestone, HOPE will release its project-based learning course on the topic Social Innovation for Development and Sustainability in fall 2024. The course is designed to bring together students from University of Zurich and University of Geneva, alongside refugee learners living in camps in Kenya, Niger and Jordan, to co-create technology for development (T4D) solutions for real-world challenges, during a 4-day tutorial session in a hybrid format. Practice partners include the InZone Program, the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies, and leading international organisations operating in humanitarian crisis contexts.

You can find more information in theUZH course catalog and this flyer (PDF, 1 MB)


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