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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Innovathon: The Digitalization of Mobility


Abteilung Innovation und die Digital Society Initiative


Mobility of the future will be digital. It is expected to be connected, (partly) autonomous, post-fossil, and clean with benefits for health, environmental sustainability, and the economy.

This transformation depends on developments in various disciplines including data science, law, ethics, geography, medical and health sciences and economics. This course provides an introduction to the digitalization of mobility from the perspectives of these disciplines.

The course consists of a preparatory lecture block and the 48h Innovathon. Participating students hand in two assignments and present their idea to the jury at the end of the Innovathon.

During the Innovathon, student teams will develop innovative ideas with the support from a challenge partner. Ideas with high potential will be given the chance to be further developed after the course.

In this course students can expect to learn:

  • Understand mobility needs and patterns as well as challenges of mobility systems
  • Understand the inherently interdisciplinary nature of the digitalization of mobility
  • Learn how to apply methods and develop skills to develop innovative solutions to a real problem within a team
  • Develop critical-thinking competence
  • Improve skills for effective communication and presentation to a diverse audience


Master and doctoral students across faculties who are interested in the digitalization of mobility, motivated to develop ideas based on real life challenges and to improve their innovation and interdisciplinary teamwork skills.


Lecture Block: September 14 – 15th

Innovathon: September 30th – October 2nd

Register by August 26th on the course website 

Leistungsnachweis / ECTS Credits


Weiterführende Informationen

UZH Innovation Hub

UZH Innovation Hub

Mehr zu UZH Innovation Hub

Die Drehscheibe für Innovation und Unternehmertum an der UZH


Sebastian Niederberger (Lecture Block) 


Eva Maria Håkanson (Innovathon)
