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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the STS? Is it a faculty? Or a study program?

The School for Transdisciplinary Studies is neither a faculty nor a study program. It serves as a hub between faculties and various UZH initiatives. The STS facilitates and administers interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teaching offers (elective courses, minor study programs), making them accessible to all students, regardless of their faculty. The school acts as a service hub; the content of the courses is designed by the respective offering initiatives or faculties. Information about the difference between interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity as well as the quality criteria of the STS can be found on our website.

Who can book STS modules?

In principle, STS modules are open to all UZH students. However, some modules are restricted to certain study levels, such as only for Master's and PhD students, or only for Bachelor's and Master's students. You can find out who is eligible to book a module in the course catalog by clicking on the "School for Transdisciplinary Studies" tile and reviewing the respective modules.

Will the ECTS credits from STS modules be counted towards my degree?

In many study programs, STS modules can be counted towards your degree. Whether this is the case depends on the regulations of your faculty. You can find an overview of the faculties and their regulations regarding the recognition of STS modules here.

How can you register or deregister for STS modules?

The booking process for request, booking, or application modules by the STS works the same as for other UZH modules. Information on module booking at UZH can be found here. Booking and cancellation deadlines may vary between different modules. You can find the specific deadlines for each module in the UZH course catalog in the description of the respective module. If you have any specific questions regarding an STS module, please contact our office by email at

What do I need to do to receive compensatory measures for assessments for STS modules?

If you have an impairment that justifies compensatory measures for assessments, please contact the Office for Students with Disabilities (FSB). If you already have a CIRA (Certificate of Individual Reasonable Accommodation) from the FSB for your study program, send it along with your medical certificate by email to our office at to receive accommodations for the STS modules you are enrolled in. More information can be found here. For specific questions, please contact our office via the email address mentioned above.

I can't see my ECTS-credits of STS-modules in my student portal. Where can I find them?

Once the grades have been recorded in the system, the ECTS credits will be visible in the student portal under the "Study Progress & Completion" tile. Here, you can also see how and where the academic achievement of the STS module is credited towards your degree (Major or Minor). It is possible that the STS elective module can be credited to both the Major and the Minor. In this case, the ECTS credits are not automatically assigned; you must decide which degree program (Major/Minor) you want to allocate the ECTS credits to. In the student portal, under the "Study Progress & Completion" tile and in the "Editing Area: Multiple Listed Achievements" section, the STS credits may be listed. You will need to manually assign the achievement to the appropriate study program. If the ECTS credits are not found there either, please contact the Central IT department of UZH.

What is the DSI Minor Digital Skills?

The STS offers the new interdisciplinary Minor in Digital Skills organized by the Digital Society Initiative (DSI). Detailed information about this new minor program, including admission requirements and the sample curriculum, can be found on the DSI website.

I am a student, but I am not studying at UZH, I am enrolled at another Swiss university. Can I still attend STS modules?

Yes, that is possible. You need to register as a mobility student at UZH and then book the desired module within the booking deadlines. You can find information about this here.

I am not enrolled at any Swiss University. Can I still attend STS modules?

Yes, that is possible. You can attend modules at the University of Zurich as an external auditor. By paying a fee, you can choose specific modules of interest. For more detailed information, please refer to this website.