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Animal Welfare and 3Rs

Training, education and events

'If you work with laboratory animals, you will never be finished with your training! New developments within animal research are going fast. Keep your knowledge up-to-date.’ Jan van der Valk

Upcoming courses and events

The Institute of Laboratory Animal Science (LTK) offers regular training courses (M3-23) - please consult also the LTK website.


UFAW International Animal Welfare Conference 2024, 10. – 11. July 2024, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar (ICBAS), University of Porto, Portugal

More information here.


European 3Rs congress, EUSAAT 2024,  18.-20. September 2024, Linz

Program & registration


7th IC-3Rs Symposium 2024, 19. September, Health Campus VUB in Jette

"Reduction and Refinement challenges in 3Rs research"

Program & registration


Replacement in oncology research, 12. November 2024, online

Co-organized by the Swiss 3RCC and the FC3R, this half-day workshop aims to deliver cutting-edge insights into replacement methods in oncology research. Experts will present how in vitro and in silico approaches can enhance the understanding of specific cancers and discover new therapies.

Accreditation for 0.5 day of continuing education (pending confirmation).

Program and registration here.


SGV meeting 2024, 26./27. November 2024, Lausanne

Program and registration here.


Save the date!

Swiss 3RCC 3Rs day 2025, 24. June 2025, Zürich


In general

  • Anyone who carries out or directs animal experiments must have the appropriate training and be able to prove that they have received regular further training. The Ordinance of 12 October 1998 on the initial and continuing training of specialist personnel involved in animal experiments specifies the duration and content. Directive 1.09 of the Federal Veterinary Office provides further details.
  • The Cantonal Veterinary Office decides on the recognition of the training and further education of the persons involved in the animal experiments within the framework of the animal experiment licence. A list of courses recognised by the Association of Cantonal Veterinarians is published on the website of the Federal Veterinary Office.
  • Training and further education courses are organised by the Institute for Laboratory Animal Science and professional organisations such as the Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association (SGV).
  • The Animal Welfare Officers, the 3R coordinator and the biostatistician support in-house training courses in the field of animal welfare, animal experimentation, 3R or experimental design/statistics.
  • Please send your inquiries about internal training courses to the Animal Welfare Officers.

Individuals working with experimental animals must undergo special education and training

All persons carrying out or supervising animal experiments must pass the mandatory training to gain expertise and practical skills required to handle and breed experimental animals in a responsible manner and with due care and consideration.


Ususally, experimenters must attend and pass the LTK Module 1 (or a different FELASA Cat. B accredited course) before starting experimental work with animals.

Individuals with a special education, e.g., veterinarians, need to attend the entire course only in case they work with animal species they have not routinely worked with during their education as a veterinarian. In all other cases, veterinarians must attend the parts of the course covering ethics (E), legislation (G) and alternative methods, 3Rs principle (A) or a separate EGA course.

In case you acquired a certificate for animal experimentation abroad and are not sure whether it fulfils the required training, you (or your resource manager) may submit all information to the Cantonal Veterinary Office via animex-ch. The veterinary office will decide which training and/or education is needed.

uploading education certificates (PDF, 587 KB)

Study directors

Study directors (SD) and their deputies must have completed studies in biology, human or veterinary medicine or similar, show a minimum of 3 years of practical experience in the field of animal experimentation and complete the LTK Module 2 (similar to FELASA C Courses).

The certificate of LTK Module 2 (or a similar course attended abroad) and a CV must be submittted to the Veterinary Office via animex-ch:

uploading education certificates (PDF, 587 KB)

Continuing education for all individuals working with animals

All individuals performing or supervising animal experiments as well as animal care takers and animal welfare officers must undergo a minimum of four days of training/cont. education within four years, i.e. in average one day of training per year. You have to make up for missing days of continuing education.

The obligation for further education starts with the date of the first recognition / accreditation for experimental work (date of first "approved role" in animex-ch). The date refers to the last course day of the LTK1/20 module or a FELASA B course recognized by the veterinary office.

NB: This means that with the recognition of a foreign training course, the obligation to continue the training starts from the date of completion of this training course - regardless of when the work in Switzerland started.

Certificates of attendance of expert or technical training or certain scientific meetings can be submitted to the Cantonal Veterinary Office for approval via animex-ch to request the recognition, giving all necessary information (see form). Note that scientific conferences are not always accepted as specific training..

Form Approval of continuing education in particular cases (DOC, 91 KB)

update training cont education (PDF, 521 KB)

Continuing education courses by the Office for Animal Welfare and 3R


We offer tailormade courses for your research group (please contact us for further information).


Student courses: 3Rs and the ethics of Animal use: The course is open to students of all majors and disciplines. It is primarily aimed at anyone with an interest in ethical and social issues surrounding animal experimentation and related research. It is also suitable for people who conduct animal experiments themselves or will work with data from animal experiments. (1 ECTS and 2 days of cont. education). Bachelor, Master, PhD level School for Transdisciplinary Studies (STS) and PhD level Life Science Zurich Graduate School

Submitting basic or continuing education in animex-ch

Upload all education such as certificates of LTK Modules 1, 2, 20, EGA under "Education" (= "Ausbildung" in the German version of animex-ch) .

Certificates of continuous education (e.g. other LTK Modules, courses) have to be uploaded under "Training" (=  "Weiterbildung" on the German version of animex-ch).

uploading education certificates (PDF, 587 KB)

update training cont education (PDF, 521 KB)

Weiterführende Informationen

LTK courses

Together with the Office for Animal Welfare and 3R of the UZH, LTK organizes one day of continuing education every September: "Actual Topics of Laboratory Animal Science, LTK Module 14" and other courses like LTK 6, 11, 13, 21 and 23. More courses that are recognized as continuing education can be found on the LTK website

ECRN Cookie Catch Up! A monthly 3Rs networking event

The 3RCC Early Career Researchers Network (ECRN) unites young researchers that approach animal experimentation from different angles. It offers the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with other scientists developing different experimental models.

The ERCN Cookie Catch Up is a monthly 30-minute online event in which we will have a short-form presentation, discussion about that presentation and then some open space for general 3Rs chat. 

Registration for next event -->> HERE

Karolinska Webinars

Webinar Series by KI. Accepted as continous education if the course was submitted for accreditation by the institute (see "Jahresbrief" 2023 of the veterinary office).