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Vereinigung Akademischer Mittelbau der Universität Zürich

International Food Festival

International Food Festival by AVETH
Date: Saturday 14 May 18:00- 22:00
Place: Alumni-Pavillon (GEP) [the place next to Polybahn]

The AVETH International Food Festival offers a culinary trip all across the world. You yourself present your home country to your fellow students by adding something edible to our international buffet.

We provide the infrastructure of the Alumni(GEP)-Pavillon and the AVETH-bar with beer, wine and soft drinks and you take care of the food and your country specific booze ;-).

You tell us where you come from and we will give you the contact details from your fellow countrymen. Each team will receive between SFR 10 and SFR 20 for already bought ingredients.

The country with the best effort can win a prize, so be creative (decoration, presentation, taste...).

The maximum number of participants is limited to 50 people.

If you are interested, please register by sending email to Amir Shahab:
Subject: Int Food Festival
Main text: Your name, Your country, cell phone number. Your AVETH Team Paragraph


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