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7 Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen erhalten eine Forschungskredit Zusprache

7 Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen erhalten eine Forschungskredit Zusprache

Der Forschungskredit der Universität Zürich 2021 fördert neu drei Postdoc-Projekte aus der Vetsuisse-Fakultät:

Hanna Marti, Dr. med. vet., Dr. sc. nat., Institute of Veterinary Pathology. Projekttitel: "Exploring the origin of tetracycline resistance in Chlamydia suis: crucial role for Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida?"

Dragos Scarlet, Dr. med. vet., Dipl. ECAR, Institute of Veterinary Anatomy & Clinic of Reproductive Medicine. Projekttitel: "Steroidogenic capacity and functional adaptation of equine granulosa cells during acquisition of oocyte developmental competence in the horse"

Rodrigo Villaseñor Molina, PhD, Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease. Projekttitel: "Genome-wide profiling of circulating cell-free nucleosomes from human plasma – towards to a new generation of liquid biopsy assays for cancer diagnosis"

sowie vier Candoc-Projekte aus der Vetsuisse-Fakultät:

Patricia Beer, Dr. med. vet., Clinic for Small Animal Surgery. Projekttitel: "New receptor-targeted in vivo near infrared fluorescent markers for accurate resection of soft tissue sarcomas of the dog: a surrogate for human disease?"

Simone Fenk, PhD Studentin, Institute of Veterinary Physiology. Projekttitel: "Hemoglobin as glutathione buffer actively controls systemic redox state"

Corina Gsell, PhD Studentin, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Projekttitel: "Orchestration of UV-damage recognition factors: The role of histone lysine methyltransferase ASH1L in nucleotide excision repair"

Patrick Manetsch, PhD Student, Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease. Projekttitel: "Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of ARTD14-regulated cell survival in non-small cell lung cancer"


Wir gratulieren herzlich! 

Roger Stephan, Dekan
