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Research News

Space to contemplate, to reflect, to experiment – the University of Zurich conducts cutting-edge research at seven faculties and over 150 institutes and is one of the leading research universities in Europe. We shed light on the critical issues of our time with research that contributes to forward-looking solutions for our society.

Research Spotlights

  • Growing Up Multilingual

    How does growing up in a multilingual environment affect children’s development and communication skills?
  • Lifelong Learning

    The effects of lifelong learning are the focus of research being conducted by gerontopsychologist Burcu Demiray.
  • Seeds from the Vault

    Researchers at UZH are freezing the seeds of threatened local plants to help increase the biodiversity of ecosystems in the future.


Digital Transformation


Precision Medicine

One Health

Weiterführende Informationen

For Researchers

All news about calls for proposals, events, tools and other important information can be found directly on the website for researchers.
