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Institute of Education

Claudia  Marusic

Claudia Marusic, Dr. phil.

  • Projektmitarbeiterin / Project Assistant
+41 44 634 77 29
Freiestrasse 36, 8032 Zürich
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Academic Curriculum Vitae

2024 – today                          Postdoctoral Researcher at the chair for Theory and Empirical Research on Educational Processes in Schools (IFE, UZH)
2022–2024   Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Teaching Professions and Continuing Professional Development (PHZH)
2020–2023   Research Assistant at the chair for Theory and Empirical Research on Educational Processes in Schools (IFE, UZH)
2019–2020   Research Project Assistant at the chair for Theory and Empirical Research on Educational Processes in Schools (IFE, UZH)
2017–2020   Research Project Assistant at the chair for Pedagogical Psychology and     Didactics (IFE, UZH)
2016–2017   Classroom Assistant at the Dayschool Blumenfeld (Zurich)
2016   Student Assistant (PHZH)
2015   Semester Administrative Assistant at the Chair for Special Education with    focus on Inclusion and Instruction (IFE, UZH)
2013–2017   After School Care Management at the Primary School Ruggächer / Dayschool Blumenfeld (Zurich)
2012–2013   Studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Sonderpädagogik: Bildung und Integration (IFE, UZH)
2011–2015    Pedagogical and Administrative Assistant for the School Leader at the Primary School Ruggächer / Dayschool Blumenfeld (Zurich)



  Doctoral Programme at the University of Zurich
2019–2020   CAS in Higher Education at the University of Zurich
2013–2016   Master of Arts at the University of Zurich
2009–2013   Bachelor of Arts at the University of Zurich
2002–2008   Academic High School at Kantonsschule Zürcher Unterland

Main Areas of Research

  • School Improvement
  • Teaching Quality
  • Classroom Disturbances
  • Teacher Professional Development

Publications & Lectures


Research Gate

Publications (selection)

Marusic-Würscher, C. (2023). Handlungsorientierungen von Lehrpersonen im Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen – Eine Studie mit Lehrpersonen aus Schulen mit und ohne personalisierte Lernkonzepte. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-41700-0

Presentations (selection)

Marusic, C., Kosinar, J., Moser, A., Noethiger, M. (2024). Entwicklungsaufgaben von Berufseinsteigenden ohne Lehrdiplom - eine Vergleichsanalyse von Anforderungen im ersten Berufsjahr. Vortrag an der DGFE, Halle-Wittenberg, 10.-13. März 2024.
Rechsteiner, B., Schäfer, L., Marusic, C., Maag Merki, K., Wullschleger, A. (2023). School improvement in average-performing schools. Vortrag an der Earli, Thessaloniki, 22. August 2023.

Lectures & Publications (PDF, 27 KB) (Complete list)


  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung (SGBF)
  • Internationale Gesellschaft für Schulpraktische Studien (IGSP)
  • European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)