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Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich

Increase in course fees at the Language Center as of FS24

Course fees for Bachelor's, Master's, visiting, and exchange students at UZH and ETH

The Language Center’s sponsor universities, UZH and ETH Zurich, aim to provide language courses to as many Bachelor's, Master's, visiting, and exchange students as possible, as we consider language skills to be of fundamental importance in a university context. The demand for language courses at the Language Center has risen sharply in recent years. In order to meet this increased demand, it is necessary that we expand and diversify the range of courses that we offer.

In order to cover the additional costs incurred as a result, the Language Center's Board of Trustees has decided to increase our fees as of FS24. UZH and ETH Zurich continue to cover most of our expenses, while course participants will continue to make a relatively small contribution through course fees.

The Language Center has introduced financial relief to specific groups as of FS24. Students who can prove that they are entitled to a UZH or  ETH Zurich scholarship will now have their course fees waived.

The Language Center is expanding its course program as follows:

  • The number of existing foreign language courses will be increased to meet the increased demand while simultaneously maintaining an appropriate student-to-staff ratio. This will affect, in particular, the Swiss national languages French and Italian, and Brazilian-Portuguese and Spanish, which are relevant for outgoing exchange students.
  • There will be more consultation sessions on academic writing in English available through our digital Writing Center.



  • The course fees for 1 SWS courses remain at CHF 80
  • All courses that are compulsory within a curriculum remain free of charge.

Course fees for UZH and ETH CAS, DAS, and MAS students; doctoral/PhD students; staff; alumni; and members of the PHZH and ZHdK

As of FS24, our fee calculation will be adjusted to ensure greater consistency. The new calculation is based on class sizes and number of lessons.
(Statutes of the Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich of 04.04.2023 regarding § 11 Fees, target groups according to § 2 lit. b-f.)

Sabina Schaffner, Director, Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich, November 2023