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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Supporting Group

The Supporting Group is an open exchange body on a working level. It promotes cooperation and networking among all actors involved in the STS, especially regarding the organization of inter- and transdisciplinary teaching. Moreover, operational questions between Offices of Student Affairs, providers and initiatives are clarified in this body.

Generally, the Supporting Group consists of up to two members of each of the following bodies:

  • participating providers and initiatives,
  • the Offices of Student Affairs of the faculties
  • the involved central services of UZH
  • students

The Supporting Group meets at least twice a year.

At present, the following persons are members of the Supporting Group:

Offices of Student Affairs

  • lic. phil. Barbara Cahn-Wegmann,  Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion
  • Martin Mosimann, Faculty of Law
  • Benjamin Schmitt, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
  • Dr. Tatiana Hofmann, Faculty of Medicine
  • Dr. Eveline Bergmüller, Vetsuisse Faculty
  • Dr. Bettina Schöller, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Beat Peter, Faculty of Science


  • Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz, Office for Gender Equality and Diversity
  • Andreia Fernandes, Innovation Hub
  • Dr. Paulin Jirkof, Department of Animal Welfare and 3Rs
  • Ursula Brack, Digital Society Initiative  
  • Olivia Höhener, Participatory Science Academy
  • Dr. Aline Steinbrecher Frei, Right Livelihood Centre of the University of Zurich
  • Dr. Jeannette Behringer and Dr. Leonard Creutzburg, Sustainability Team

Central Services

  • Dr. Ute Woschnack and Dr. Jasmin Gygi, Educational Development
  • Claudine Leysinger, PhD and Eric Alms, Graduate Campus


  • Leonie Barnsteiner and Till Baier