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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Introduction to Citizen Science


Participatory Science Academy (PSA)


«Citizen Science» (CS) enables the involvement of citizens in scientific research projects. There is a wide variety of Citizen Science projects, ranging from citizen's contribution to data collection to the actual co-creation of projects and knowledge. With Citizen Science, local data can be gathered, analysed and interpreted. Furthermore, research questions with a high societal relevance can be developed in cooperation with citizens.

The course offers an introduction to the field of Citizen Science through project examples from different disciplines. We will discuss goals, roles, different types and intensities as well as chances and challenges of the practical implementation of projects in the field. The course invites participants to reflect what a knowledge production characterised by openness and collaboration with citizens could look like.

Target group

Bachelor and Master students

Course dates

  • Eight sessions, beginning Oct 15, ending December 3 (weekly)
  • Friday, 2.15 - 3.45 pm

The course will be held in German.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

  • 1 ECTS 
  • Short written reflection for each session (1/2 - max. 1 A4 page)
  • Submission of written reflections (in a portfolio) until 17.12.21

Weiterführende Informationen

Partizipative Wissenschaftsakademie (PWA)

Participatory Science Academy (PWA)

More about Participatory Science Academy (PWA)


Olivia Höhener
