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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Start! Teaching Assistant Qualification Program@UZH


Center for University Teaching and Learning


The Teaching Assistant Qualification Program at the Center for University Teaching and Learning is aimed at all students and graduates at the University of Zurich who want to acquire basic qualification in academic teaching. It supports them in their commitment to teaching with practical, low-threshold basic didactic training courses. The didactic skills that are gained can be used both during the student’s studies as well as in his or her subsequent professional career.

Target group

The qualification program is aimed at all students and graduates at UZH who want to acquire basic qualification in academic teaching.

Course dates

The qualification program starts on February 8, 2021.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

The assessment of the online courses is comprised of a PDF folder containing individual exercises, which must be completed during the course. The folder is submitted to OLAT. There is no final examination.

In principle, it is possible to receive 1 ECTS Credit for this program. The requirement for this is the consent of the respective faculty. 

Weiterführende Informationen

Abteilung Hochschuldidaktik

Center for University Teaching and Learning

More about Center for University Teaching and Learning