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School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Open Data / Open Access


Main Library UZH

Open Data

Open Data Basics


This introductory course familiarizes students with important topics related to research data; they learn about relevant components of research data management, including finding and reusing data (with licenses) and using data repositories. Data sharing and data publication, including aspects of data protection and personal data sharing, are also covered in this course. The course takes place as a one-day face-to-face event with blended learning components before and after the course.

Target group

This introductory course is intended for Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students who have little or no prior knowledge of research data management.

Course dates

Wednesday, 30.03.2022

The course will be held in English.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

Written assessment / 1 ECTS

Working with FAIR Data (Open Data Advanced I)


In the course "Working with FAIR data", students are familiarized with important aspects of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) data, which is an essential prerequisite for publishing and sharing data and for increased reproducibility and replicability of scientific research. Students will learn how to make their own data FAIR following existing standards (e.g. metadata) and how to assess the FAIRness of existing datasets. The course takes the form of a one-day face-to-face event with blended learning components before and after the course.

Target group

The course is intended for interested Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students who have prior knowledge in data management and would like to share their data with the scientific community and increase its reusability.

Course dates

Thuesday, 28.04.2022

The course will be held in English.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

Written assessment / 1 ECTS

Data Management Planning (Open Data Advanced II)


In the course "Data Management Planning", students are familiarized with important aspects of data management planning along the data life cycle, i.e. data documentation and organization, data processing, data storage, data preservation and protection, archiving and publishing as well as data reuse and discovery. Legal aspects of data sharing and reuse as well as ethical aspects of data management (e.g. working with personal data) are also covered. The course aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge to write their own data management plan (DMP) according to the funding requirements (e.g. SNSF). The course takes place as a one-day face-to-face event with blended learning components before and after the course.

Target group

The course is intended for Master's and PhD students as well as interested Bachelor's students who have little or no prior knowledge of data management planning. It is recommended that participants will or are about to write a data management plan for a future research project.

Course dates

Thuesday, 19.05.2022

The course will be held in English.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

Written assessment / 1 ECTS

Open Access

Open Access Basics


The introductory course „Open Access Basics“ introduces students to the field of Open Access and Open Science. They learn about the latest developments in the publishing landscape, explore the characteristics of Open Access and the differences to publications in traditional, subscription-based journals. Publication versions and types will be discussed as well as challenges (young) researchers face with regard to Open Access publishing. The course takes the form of a one-day face-to-face event with blended learning components before and after the course.

Target group

This introductory course is intended for Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students, with no or little prior knowledge of Open Access.

Course dates

Thursday, 24.03.2022

The course will be held in English.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

Written assessment / 1 ECTS


The course “Legal Aspects of Open Access“ familiarizes students with the legal aspects of Open Access publishing, including copyright, licenses and working with personal data and data protection. They learn about different types of licenses and their rights when self-archiving their own publications, discuss differences between publishing in traditional journals and Open Access journals. They learn about possible licenses for data and software publication and legal aspects of reusing existing materials (incl. images). Accessing manuscripts via alternative publication platforms and via browser add-ons will also be covered. The course takes place as a one-day face-to-face event with blended learning components before and after the course.

Target group

This advanced course is intended for Master's and PhD students as well as interested Bachelor's students who have some prior knowledge of Open Access publishing. It is recommended but not required that participants have some knowledge or experience in publishing research.

Course dates

Wednesday, 27.04.2022

The course will be held in English.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

Written assessment / 1 ECTS

Open Access: Funding and Requirements (Open Access Advanced II)


The course familiarizes students with the Open Access and Open Data requirements and policies of important funding bodies (e.g. SNSF, EU, private partners) and the UZH. Students learn how to comply with these requirements, both when choosing a place of publication and when choosing the Open Access route. They further learn how to check compliance with copyright and embargo periods, and how to finance potential article/book processing charges for publishing gold or hybrid Open Access publications. The implications of such policies for early-career researchers will also be discussed. The course takes the form of a one-day face-to-face event with blended learning components before and after the course.

Target group

This advanced course is intended for PhD and advanced Master's students as well as interested Bachelor's students who have prior knowledge of Open Access publishing.

Course dates

Thursday, 12.05.2022

The course will be held in English.

Assessment / ECTS Credits

Written assessment / 1 ECTS

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P-8: Digital Skills for You (DISK4U)

P-8: Digital Skills for You (DISK4U)

More about P-8: Digital Skills for You (DISK4U)

Cross-faculty courses to strengthen digital skills in teaching


Melanie Röthlisberger
