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Vereinigung Akademischer Mittelbau der Universität Zürich


• Discover how to mobilise your research career
• Find out how to win your first grant
• Meet the stakeholders and decision makers and hear the voice of young academics at ETH Zurich

As a consequence of the vote on the referendum „Against mass immigration“ the European Council has announced that Switzerland will be considered as a third country in respect of proposals to be submitted within Horizon 2020.
Even more, it is crucial to inform on the possibilities you have as a young academic and to network. Take the opportunity to gather all information you need.
Please find the programme of the day in the box to the right and register until April 4, 2014.
With our best regards
EURAXESS team of EU Grants Access and swissuniversities
This is a joint event of ETH Zurich, University of Zurich and swissuniversities. It is supported by the European Commission.
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EURAXESS Roadshow 2014

We take your research further!