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Help with Figuring Out What to Study

High School Student

Cantonal Advisory Services

Should I go to uni? And if I do, what do I study? The canton of Zurich’s student advisory services can help you make up your mind, choose the right study program or support you when changing your subject. Services are aimed at upper secondary school students, recent graduates and students.

Kantonales Studienwahl-Portal: Welches Studium passt zu mir?
Kantonale Studienberatung: Studienberatung für Mittelschüler:innen
Kantonale Studienberatung: Studienberatung für Studierende

Advice for Specific Study Programs

Do you have specific questions about individual study programs? For this purpose, the faculties and departments/institutes have their own study program advisory services. You can find the direct link to the advisory services directly on the page of the respective study program, or using the overview of the faculties below:

Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Faculty of Medicine
Vetsuisse Faculty
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Science

Student Advisory Services at UZH

Are you having second thoughts about your chosen subject? Are you finding it difficult to choose a minor subject? Student Advisory Services can help you with questions and issues that are not specific to one faculty or program.
Student Advisory Services

Guidelines and Supporting Materials for Choosing What to Study

Student Advisory Services: Guide to Choosing What to Study
Student Advisory Services: Get a Taste of University Life with UZHGYM
Student Advisory Services: Online Assistants for Choosing a Course of Study

Sit In on Lectures for an Insider View

If you’re interested in studying at UZH and would like to experience a certain study program up close, then take the opportunity to sit in on a lecture.
Student Advisory Services: Sitting In on Lectures

Weiterführende Informationen

Switzerland: Portal of Education and Career Development

The Swiss Portal of Education and Career Development offers advice about career choice, education and career development, and information about higher education in Switzerland.